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Every cancelled Bullfrog games, especially The Indestructibles, Creation and Dungeon Keeper 3!
* Edge of Twilight
* Originally planned Abe's games after the Exoddus
* Project Offset
* Original Blood Omen 2 from Silicon Knights

Hell, I don't even remember, there was a lot of these over few years
Sarang: Propeller Arena(DC)-Headed by Yu Suzuki and a quirky Flight Sim. Because you can fly planes into buildings and this was scheduled to come out after September 11th, this was canceled. Thank you for canceling it out of temporary over-sensitivity that would've blown over.
Yes! This is probably the only cancelled game I lamented. Wish they could resurrect it after all these years :(
All of the Megaman games that reached playable demo state before being cancelled.]
Megaman Legends 3[/url]
Megaman Universe
Megaman Online

Capcom has been a jerk for a much longer time then Konami has.

Also digimon world re-digitize: decode; Fan translation exists but if I can't play on the actual 3ds what is the point?
Speaking of Konami. What the heck happened with Kojima? Will the public ever know?
ReynardFox: Beyond Good and Evil 2.
Starcraft: Ghost.
TimeSplitters 4

I remember seeing so many ads and articles for Ghost and then... nothing. It's really a shame since it looked like a cool game.

There is another game that was never released but the demo was a lot of fun to play. It was called "Skrap," and now all that remains is an link. The game had a lot of potential, I wonder what happened...
Post edited December 07, 2015 by IronArcturus
Right now I just remember the very first version of duke nukem forever and Starcraft Ghost.
Post edited December 07, 2015 by nicohvc
Post edited December 07, 2015 by V3TNok
Evil Genius 2
Half-Life 3
Spectre: The original sequel to Operation Flashpoint before Bohemia Interactive split with Codemasters.
It was meant to have a better environment with vegetation and buildings that would get properly destroyed when you blew them up and other things.
F4LL0UT: There never was such a cancelled Operation Flashpoint game by Bohemia Interactive. After the split-up Bohemia kept the rights to everything excluding the Operation Flashpoint name, so whatever they actually had ended up in ARMA. The features you cited were just typical over-promising.
There were some demos showing off the some of the supposed technology which would have made a different game to the sequels which we got.
Van Buren
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans
Post edited December 07, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Starcraft Ghost, Warcraft 4, Half-Life 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned
ReynardFox: snip
Grargar: snip
Thank you both for the opinions (and for going the extra mile with a wikiP link I rhetorically wasn't expecting ;-).
This just became a welcome addition to my coop-gamelist. Need to do some rummaging now tho.
Fallout 3 (Van Buren)