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high rated
Similar to the Brazilian games list, here's a list of games on GOG made by Canadian video gamedevs or games situated in Canada on the 2nd tab:

If I'm missing anything or have any errors, please let me know and I'll credit you. Thank you!
Post edited May 20, 2021 by Canuck_Cat
Can we have all these tagged [Game Lists] or something?
The Long Dark, even though is not sold on GOG anymore, I think it should be on the list.
nightcraw1er.488: Can we have all these tagged [Game Lists] or something?
Yes, I'd support this for all game lists until GOG updates the forums.
ariaspi: The Long Dark, even though is not sold on GOG anymore, I think it should be on the list.
Added to Archives tab and credited, thank you. Such a shame to miss out on this.
How big is the list when you remove the Ubi shovelware
ariaspi: The Long Dark, even though is not sold on GOG anymore, I think it should be on the list.
My first thought.
Crosmando: How big is the list when you remove the Ubi shovelware
117 - 9 = 108

If you highlight over the letter columns, you can sort the sheet A->Z and to enable filters.
Post edited May 21, 2021 by Canuck_Cat
high rated
Fantastic! +1
You have collected 118 Canadian (and co-op) games so far (second tab). Marvellous! I am so interested.
You could use two posts to list Canadian games on this Topic as the Theme suggests (100links per post), so we can click and try : )

Chronologically :
Made in Brazil September 19, 2019
Made in Poland November 12, 2020
Made in Germany May 18, 2021
Made in China May 19, 2021
Made in Canada May 20, 201
Made in Russia May 22, 2021
Made in Italy May 28, 2021
Made in France June 04, 2021

Made in Spain in consideration by Lone_Scout

and more to come,... : ) Please respect all countries' arts.

There are in-browser apps to translate websites on the go, and a good old google translator.
Have fun! : )
Post edited June 15, 2021 by user deleted
Happy Victoria Day!

The Baldur's Gate games were made by Canadian devs.
Post edited May 23, 2021 by J Lo
Nevermind, the game I posted already there.
Post edited May 23, 2021 by zlaywal
Seb3.7: snip
Happy to help! And thank you for your list compilation. I also have an Asian games tab on the 3rd that has a list of all gamedevs on GOG based in Asia (and games based in Asia). Though I'm not sure if I have everything as I see I missed about 7 games from China.
J Lo: Happy Victoria Day!

The Baldur's Gate games were made by Canadian devs.
You too, fellow Canuck! I've got BG on there (BG3 made in Belgium, however). Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

zlaywal: snip
If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears. Thanks!
Happy to help! : ) made
they also made that puts them close to my ❤
You might as well throw in Piranha Games for Mechwarrior 5 Mercs, they are from Canada.
Seb3.7: Happy to help! : )
Credited, thank you.

I'm also tracking any games made or based in Asia, though JRPGs aren't double-added in the Asian tabs list. Check that out if you're also interested in those games too. Getting your help would be fantastic!

ChrisGamer300: You might as well throw in Piranha Games for Mechwarrior 5 Mercs, they are from Canada
Already added, thanks! Hope to see other Piranha games on here. Let me know if anything else comes to you.
Hey nightcraw1er.488! Long time without reading you
so I'm not sure if you keep visiting the forum...

Anyway, the Spigot Vapor store is running a "Quebec Sale 2023 Edition"
I don't post the link for reasons... (Hello Id!)

If interested on the game list, please google it as written,
"quebec2023" works as well

From that listing and a quick skimming with my very limited brain retention,
I identified this ones sold here as well:

Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Outlast 2
The Messenger
Sundered®: Eldritch Edition
Moon Hunters
Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Night Lights

How accurate is their location? I don't know so don't blame the messenger
Quoted from there:
"Quebec is home to over 290 studios across the province.
We are proud to feature over 170 released and upcoming titles from our finest independent and AAA developers. By browsing this sale, you’re not only directly supporting the efforts of our local studios..."

Their sale ends on Feb 6 and I don't know what happens to their sales links
once they are over (Kaput?)
If you are interested, I suggest to check their list names soon

Regards & I hope this helps --> My Reason to ,,necro,, this thread
(Which personally I don't care as this is on topic & timeless info
But... hello again to the Id!)