johnnygoging: I wish you wouldn't spread lies and nonense. That article is complete fabrication.
We don't have a military.
the idea. sheesh.
tinyE: That is something I actually won't joke about. Canada played a huge part in storming the beaches at Normandy. That's a place in history no one can take from them.
Well excuse me for trying to be a sport! Sor-ry!
tinyE: That is something I actually won't joke about. Canada played a huge part in storming the beaches at Normandy. That's a place in history no one can take from them.
Emob78: Part of me thinks all that civilized behavior and constant apologizing is just one big smoke screen. In fact, Canada probably has dozens of crack infantry divisions hiding in the woods, ready to invade the USA on a moment's notice... ready to march down here and make us all watch hockey and put the Queen of England back on our currency.
Actually in truth most Canadians don't really care for the monarchy. We don't have that sort of cultural commonality with England. There is still affinity for England itself and a lot of British culture but not really any particular interest in the monarchy. As for the hockey bit.. well...