Posted October 13, 2016

Strigon the Drow Necromancer
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted October 13, 2016
I'm a snob. I delete any songs I don't think is good, even from my favorite bands. Otherwise, I probably would have 10K songs as well. This is also tricky when you buy mp3 albums though.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by eksasol

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 13, 2016

for the OP:
Therion - Via Nocturna
Post edited October 13, 2016 by drealmer7

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 13, 2016
I'm so behind the times. XD
I want to delete a song my only option is to hit the "FFWD" button. :P
I want to delete a song my only option is to hit the "FFWD" button. :P

my glasses are dirty
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted October 13, 2016
The Lagan - Guinness and Chips
The Lagan - Guinness and Chips

Pirate Mullah
Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted October 13, 2016
I am lazy, so just browse through here: :D

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted October 14, 2016
Hotline Miami 2 soundtrack, and your all good. Music problem solved.

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted October 14, 2016
Thought I'll be the first one with a playlist, but babark already posted his, so...
Now I usually stumble into too much good stuff and tend to rather get stuck on a song or two until I get stuck on something else, hence have a list of bands to look more into someday currently approaching 300 names.
But made a playlist for a friend once with 2 songs from each band I have to fall back to in the odd case I'm not stuck on something or poking through recent finds. Call it bands I did look into and decided to "keep".
So here's that playlist.
Edit: Good opportunity to go through them again. Found one that had been blocked since I put it there, replaced :)
Now I usually stumble into too much good stuff and tend to rather get stuck on a song or two until I get stuck on something else, hence have a list of bands to look more into someday currently approaching 300 names.
But made a playlist for a friend once with 2 songs from each band I have to fall back to in the odd case I'm not stuck on something or poking through recent finds. Call it bands I did look into and decided to "keep".
So here's that playlist.
Edit: Good opportunity to go through them again. Found one that had been blocked since I put it there, replaced :)
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Cavalary

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Vae Victis
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted October 14, 2016

Pathologic 2 is good
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted October 14, 2016

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted October 14, 2016
Spread the love if you like.
Spread the love if you like.