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karnak1: Isn't the game a sort of prequel to Half-Life 2?
TheMonkofDestiny: I don't want to spoil things for the few out there that don't know about it (though I doubt they'd be reading this junk thread anyway, but better to err on the side of caution I guess) but it is a prequel and a sort of "sequel" that resolves cliffhangers that Valve was content to leave as is for so long while, in theory, setting the stage for whatever is to come next whether that's an actual third game or something else. Hopefully with this cliffhanger the public won't be left waiting another 10 years or more to see just where the heck the story was going. Maybe it'll even happen with no further unfortunate passing in the voice cast as well.
karnak1: Thanks.
No problem. It's one of rare occurrences where, even if it just leaves more questions, you get the satisfaction of closure on something that seemed as if it was never going to get it.
low rated
TheMonkofDestiny: (Joking aside, a decade+ of waiting for a continuation of story, but you have to strap on a gimmick to experience it firsthand - there aren't enough sad trombones in the world to cover the disappointment)
Speaking of gimmicks, that reminds me of how Psychonauts had another game made but it was also VR only.....ah the disappointment(of needing to buy gimmicky headsets to play another installment of a beloved game).

But eh, at least they GOT new installments....unlike games like Anachronox, Advent Rising, Toonstruck(heck toonstruck HAS a part 2, but it's locked in a vault/etc somewhere).
Which PUBG should GOG add?

There were at least two on Steam.

The lesser known one started life as a game called Measurement Problem. It was the standard sort of shovelware that was readily given away and never progressed past a limited profile on Steam.

The developers had the bright idea that an asset flip could involve someone else's assets and renamed the game to PUBG and lifted all of the proper game's assets.

It was promptly removed from Steam, but the game lived on for many months in users libraries as PUBG.

It now goes by the charmingly titled "App 534960"
Mortius1: Noice.
The other, was nothing more than a asset flip using Unreal engine, that got lucky and popular.
Still has a nice review rating on Steam. How can a game with a rating around 50% be the 3rd most played on Steam?

Funny that most of the top5 played games on Steam have quite a beginning story.
Dreamia: All hail Epic! The savior of PC gaming!
karnak1: What? Wasn't it Microsoft?
I thought it was Steve Wozniak.
Strijkbout: I prefer PUBK myself.
TheMonkofDestiny: PlayerUnknown's Battle Kobolds would rake in the money here on GOG.
Piko's Battle Kobolds would be an even stronger contender.
Post edited April 28, 2020 by Darvond
low rated
I like Epic Store. Slowly it gets improvements.
Darvond: Piko's Battle Kobolds would be an even stronger contender.
Probably true, I just tried to stay within the confines of the acronym for the sake of things though.
There's also this great PUBGame:
Post edited April 29, 2020 by karnak1
What the hell is PUBG? (this is rhetorical, it's probably some stupid shit I don't care about anyway)

Anyway, with many countries in lockdown, pubs aren't allowed to stay open and people need to keep their social distance. Stay safe :P
Pangaea666: What the hell is PUBG? (this is rhetorical, it's probably some stupid shit I don't care about anyway)
Well, it's clearly Perpetually Upset Baby Gigolos. You can hide behind the curtain of rhetorical uncaring, but deep down it still knows you... don't care.