timppu: Learn game programming and go work with Crytek GmbH.
Why study medicine specifically in Cuba? Is it easy to get to the med school there, or what?
I am unsure how and to what countries Turkish people can emigrate nowadays, at least easily. If you are a licensed doctor from an university that is accepted also in e.g. European countries, it is possible (but then as far as I know e.g. a Russian medical degree is not directly accepted in e.g. Finland (to work as a doctor here), I presume the same applies to Cuban medical degree).
And why Russian military? I didn't even know Russia takes foreigners to their military, or are you a Russian living in Turkey?
No , i am turkish born. These are just some ideas i threw out. Russian military accepts foreigners , provided they have fluency in russian and they have no crime reports. After five years of service , they become citizens. I am not very serious about joining , just an idea.
I like cuba , its just a country i like.
I will probably leave turkey at young age at any costs. I really care about keeping our forests , sea , rivers , cities , streets clean. But many people in turkey nor goverment do not. That really bothers me. People do not care about health , people do not learn to live healthy. People are lazy. And have you ever tried to live with religious muslims?:D
CryteK? I cant say i like their games. Crysis 1 and Warhead were good ones though.