zeogold: So....you're not living in Asia or Russia because...?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Because this thread is about Europe failing to send that thing to mars. Enough derailment already. You will have plenty of posts to downvote anyway, so let's return to our initial discussion, shall we? A chinese or a russian vessel would have many more chances to successfully go there. Don't you agree? Or don't you agree?
Just going to say that Russia sent 10 Mars missions including a lander, rover or penetrator (actually, 7 for Mars, 3 for Phobos) and a single one lasted for some 15 seconds after landing, others failed completely. Many didn't even reach Mars. Last big failure was
Phobos-Grunt in 2011, which cost China their orbiter as well. NASA has 10 attempts too, but only 2 failures, both on the same mission, due to that embarrassing measurement system mixup.
And Russia has recent failures under its name even for ISS flights, if fortunately so far only for supply runs. A manned one is bound to fail too sooner or later though, unless NASA can get its act together and have something of their own again, after idiotically scrapping the shuttle before (WAY before) a replacement was ready.
But I keep saying space shouldn't be a matter of what country does what, but a major project for the world, everyone should work together and really look up and explore what's out there, each doing what they can. But have the bigger economies fund it at the level it was in the US during the space race.
Down here we know a lot and we have the abilities to do a lot, it's more a matter of willingness which is lacking. Out there, we're still barely taking our first steps.