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Is it me or is this community becoming less likely to take a joke? lol
stg83: Well you can just ignore those threads if you're not interested in them like every other sane person that doesn't care for a particular thread here. General discussion is the off topic forum so where else should these threads go?
Maybe we should spam the Russian general discussions with forum games? oO
MightyPinecone: Well this forum is a bit of a mess. Still it seems like the regulars like it this way.
It's been like this since 2008. :) I don't see GOG making changes to this anytime soon. A lot of people have been confused by this design decision, and don't seem to realize that this actually is an "Everything That Doesn't Fit in a Subforum for a Specific Game/Series" forum.

I personally can see where a few extra subforums would be nice, but since the forums have been in pretty much this same state for 7 years now, I somehow don't think it's a staff priority. That's not the users' fault, so it's no use for the OP to fuss at us. We are, in fact, using this forum as intended.
Crosmando: More like attention whoring. "Look at me, I'm generous!" If you wanna give away a game, pm someone and give it to them, privately. Otherwise you're just attention whoring.
Or you're trying to find people who want the games, and to spread some positivity around the forum. And often the giveaways are made into something more creative, and are a fun game unto themselves. You're being a jerk about people being nice and generous.
darthspudius: Is it me or is this community becoming less likely to take a joke? lol
The general discussion area of a video game store's forum is serious business pal! Treat this forum like you would your job or a funeral, or don't bother showing up at all bucko!
darthspudius: Is it me or is this community becoming less likely to take a joke? lol
NoNewTaleToTell: The general discussion area of a video game store's forum is serious business pal! Treat this forum like you would your job or a funeral, or don't bother showing up at all bucko!
Aye and a kilt is a skirt, a load of shite! ;)
darthspudius: Is it me or is this community becoming less likely to take a joke? lol
NoNewTaleToTell: The general discussion area of a video game store's forum is serious business pal! Treat this forum like you would your job or a funeral, or don't bother showing up at all bucko!
So basically I'm supposed to drink insane amounts of coffee, slack off, make others do all the work, hit on every cute chick and cheerily tell everyone "you're next"...?
NoNewTaleToTell: The general discussion area of a video game store's forum is serious business pal! Treat this forum like you would your job or a funeral, or don't bother showing up at all bucko!
Randalator: So basically I'm supposed to drink insane amounts of coffee, slack off, make others do all the work, hit on every cute chick and cheerily tell everyone "you're next"...?
If that's what you do on funerals normally... Well, yes!

ps. Especially the "You're next" part is a blast on every funeral oO
Post edited September 17, 2015 by real.geizterfahr
Randalator: So basically I'm supposed to drink insane amounts of coffee, slack off, make others do all the work, hit on every cute chick and cheerily tell everyone "you're next"...?
real.geizterfahr: If that's what you do on funerals normally... Well, yes!

ps. Especially the "You're next" part is a blast on every funeral oO
I'm up for that! lol
Breja: Or you're trying to find people who want the games, and to spread some positivity around the forum. And often the giveaways are made into something more creative, and are a fun game unto themselves. You're being a jerk about people being nice and generous.
See, this right here is why a subforum for people who want the games and giveaways would be ideal. And generosity isn't universally positive, it has tradeoffs in the form of wasted time and useless threads. This is why giveaways are banned in e.g. the Terraria forum on Reddit. Leeching off giveaways is an extremely inefficient source of income.

And no, gifting to each other isn't "generosity" -- it's a hobby, arguably a fun one, arguably one that should be enabled by the staff and infrastructure here on GOG.

Hell, today is my birthday. Most offices where I worked have birthday gift customs: the worker buys cakes/pies/pizza and everyone else donates money for a small gift (the rest of the collected money is presented as money). (If it's a boss's birthday, the boss provides more food, alcohol, non-alcoholic alternatives, and all the collected money is spent on a substantial gift.) Now, I'm not a boss, but due to my culture/beliefs, there's a whole range of common gifts I cannot accept and a whole range of birthday wishes that are at best insensitive and at worst super fucking offensive. And I'm very thankful to the secretary who bought me an awesome gift and made sure no one said anything dumb. That was really awesome of her. But people giving me cash is not generous, it's just custom.

edit: thank you for being the voice of reason in the story thread.
Post edited September 17, 2015 by Starmaker
So basically you want to evict all the squatters from their kingdom..
I don't like the idea, I love the way it is now, even if I don't agree with some threads.
Breja: Or you're trying to find people who want the games, and to spread some positivity around the forum. And often the giveaways are made into something more creative, and are a fun game unto themselves. You're being a jerk about people being nice and generous.
Starmaker: See, this right here is why a subforum for people who want the games and giveaways would be ideal. And generosity isn't universally positive, it has tradeoffs in the form of wasted time and useless threads.
A separate subforum might work, though such sub forums here tend to be rather empty. I would not say giveaways are a couse of wasted time and useless threads. That's a very subjective view. I could say the same about threads about sports or something. All in all I think it's best to learn to live with the general forum as it is, than trying to quarantine everything we ourselves find pointless. The end result would only be getting bogged down in too many sub forums and a decrease in forum activity.

Starmaker: And no, gifting to each other isn't "generosity" -- it's a hobby, arguably a fun one, arguably one that should be enabled by the staff and infrastructure here on GOG.
It might be a hobby for some, others may just do it once every blue moon or only once ever, prompted by some special occasion or something. It can, and often is, just a random generous act towards a specific person or the community here in general.

Starmaker: Hell, today is my birthday.
Happy birthday! :)

Starmaker: edit: thank you for being the voice of reason in the story thread.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Post edited September 17, 2015 by Breja
darthspudius: As a representative of all the grumpy Gogers... would you kindly fuck off! :P
You have been playing some Bioshock, I see. :P
darthspudius: As a representative of all the grumpy Gogers... would you kindly fuck off! :P
monkeydelarge: You have been playing some Bioshock, I see. :P
Not this year, but it does have a lasting effect. :D
MightyPinecone: Well this forum is a bit of a mess. Still it seems like the regulars like it this way.
Luned: It's been like this since 2008. :) I don't see GOG making changes to this anytime soon. A lot of people have been confused by this design decision, and don't seem to realize that this actually is an "Everything That Doesn't Fit in a Subforum for a Specific Game/Series" forum.

I personally can see where a few extra subforums would be nice, but since the forums have been in pretty much this same state for 7 years now, I somehow don't think it's a staff priority. That's not the users' fault, so it's no use for the OP to fuss at us. We are, in fact, using this forum as intended.
Yeah, I was rather bewildered at first. The main problem I have with it is that worthwhile threads can sink into oblivion in no time as the pace of this forum is so high. A lack f other subfora means that the users who aren't "forum omnivores" will have to sift through a lot of filler to get to the threads of interest to them.