OldFatGuy: All of a sudden now I'm getting pop up box all the time telling me for example what's trending on reddit, or x-hockey something or other. Have no idea how or why they started, but they started a few weeks/couple of months ago. All I do know is I'm getting tired of them.
When such pop up, I believe you can click the gear icon on them and click an option to disable notifications from some sites.....some of them(iirc) are from the
browser and
NOT Win10(
the site related ones, anyways).
Hope this helps. :)
OldFatGuy: Here's a completely unrelated, out in left field topic to ponder.
Washing machine. It fills with water, and cleans your clothes right? So, if you didn't put any soap or any clothes in the machine and just filled it with water, is that water drinkable? I say possibly technically it is... but wouldn't there be leftover.. I dunno... laundry detergent, dirt, whatever on the sides and bottom of the machine that would make it.... at the very least yucky if not undrinkable?
So here's the real question, suppose you stick a glass under where the water comes in while it's filling up. Is THAT water drinkable? LOL, we tried several searches on teh google machine but came away with nothing as far as this last question (catching the water as it's filling up). There does seem to be a consensus that once it's in the basin it's not good to drink.
You could always run it through a pitcher water filter(those ones with built in filters) and that would likely make it 100% safe to drink, as iirc the water comes from the same lines the sinks get their water from.