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Hm? Oh, hello! Didn't see you there. Come in, come in!

I have been developing a simulation game for quite some time now (almost pre-alpha, whooo), and as this is my biggest project yet, I would like to know if I'm on the right track.

This is where you come in: I have a short survey for you to fill. It asks you a little bit of your gaming experience and preferences in this genre. You can find it here:

So, aside from the overwhelming feeling of helping a poor designer in need, near the end of the survey you can find a field to enter your email, where to stay signed up and receive a working demo of the game once I don't feel ashamed for you to have it (a couple months, ish), all for the exact price of FREE!

I can't thank you enough for taking the time with this. Any little helps, so if you get bored along the way, even a half-filled survey is better than none at all. Try to be as honest as you possibly can, though :)

Thanks again and see you soon!

EDIT: Want to thank you all for taking the time. I am overwhelmed and overjoyed by the community's reaction. Will spend the following days cataloguing all this data. Preliminary scans indicate that the project I'm working on has all the right ingredients to please most of you, which is a HUGE relief!
Post edited December 26, 2015 by InsaneGoblins
How many of these hours are spent on tycoon / city builder games? -> I think it would be more meaningful to ask how many hours during my life i sunk into city builders :). Because lately i have less and less time. Anyway done. Btw, what engine are you using, and are you working alone or in a team?
InsaneGoblins: snip
Done. Good luck with your game man!
InsaneGoblins: snip
mikopotato: Done. Good luck with your game man!
Thanks a lot, Mr Potato!
blotunga: How many of these hours are spent on tycoon / city builder games? -> I think it would be more meaningful to ask how many hours during my life i sunk into city builders :). Because lately i have less and less time. Anyway done. Btw, what engine are you using, and are you working alone or in a team?
Unity, developed a good amount of projects for it and know it quite well. Got a team set up, there is no way a solo developer could pull off a tycoon game :)
Post edited December 26, 2015 by InsaneGoblins
Well Linux Tycoon looks like it was made by one guy...
Smannesman: Well Linux Tycoon looks like it was made by one guy...
True, but we aim at something a bit more... graphical. More remnant of the good old tycoon games like Caesar and Industry Giant
I filled it out, and good luck!
InsaneGoblins: Hm? Oh, hello! Didn't see you there. Come in, come in!

I have been developing a simulation game for quite some time now (almost pre-alpha, whooo), and as this is my biggest project yet, I would like to know if I'm on the right track.

This is where you come in: I have a short survey for you to fill. It asks you a little bit of your gaming experience and preferences in this genre. You can find it here:

So, aside from the overwhelming feeling of helping a poor designer in need, near the end of the survey you can find a field to enter your email, where to stay signed up and receive a working demo of the game once I don't feel ashamed for you to have it (a couple months, ish), all for the exact price of FREE!

I can't thank you enough for taking the time with this. Any little helps, so if you get bored along the way, even a half-filled survey is better than none at all. Try to be as honest as you possibly can, though :)

Thanks again and see you soon!
Done. Good luck with the game!
coryrj1995: I filled it out, and good luck!
InsaneGoblins: /snip
trentonlf: Done. Good luck with the game!
And thanks to you too!
Post edited December 26, 2015 by InsaneGoblins
Completed - hope it's useful and good luck.
Done! Hope the game goes well!
I did my part. Now you owe me a free game, that caters to my specific taste :P

Good luck and happy coding.
Hey that is me! So I answered it, good survey,man (Civ 4 joke :D)
Filling out, but hopefully you don't get bad data from me. Email me if you did. Apparently Google Forms is stupid about forward/back buttons in the browser and clears everything.
Post edited December 26, 2015 by mqstout