Posted July 29, 2019
low rated
Background discussion and reading:
Inauthentic/targeted downvoting has been a severe problem on these forums for years and nothing gets done about it despite numerous pending wishlist requests.
Everyone who speaks out against the "low rated" censorship regime ends up getting targeted for low-rating of every post. I'm being targeted for this as well.
I'm calling on every decent supporter of civil, intelligent discussion on these forums to join me for a 1-week boycott of the General Discussion forum here to protest against rampant inauthentic/unfair downvoting and staff inaction. The boycott will start on August 4 (Sunday next week) at midnight UTC and end on August 11 at midnight UTC. For that week, all participants agree not to post on the General Discussion forums here. If you want to discuss specific games and franchises, there are subforums to do that.
Why a 1-week forum boycott is a good thing:
* The best way to stop trolling is to stop feeding the trolls. Coordinated abusive downvoting is a form of trolling, and cutting off their supply of posts to downvote leaves them bored.
* GOG staff will see their General Discussion turn into a ghost town overnight. No replies to their sales or new game announcements, although I encourage you to buy anyway to support DRM-free gaming.
* In the best case, a 1-week forum boycott potentially helps us identify who are the bad actors behind the toxic downvoting. Well-established users who continue to post over that week basically end up identifying themselves as either being part of the problem or at least being complicit through inaction.
Now before anyone makes the disingenuous and fake argument that "GOG can't afford to do this, they are already strapped for cash"...
There's a painfully simple/obvious reason that the forums and Warframe forums already did: Remove the downvote button. That should take the forum software devs no more than half an hour to implement by commenting out some code. There's no reason why this shouldn't happen.
I'm expecting to get downvoted to hell by the bottom-feeding forum-cancer downvote trolls for having the guts to openly declare war on them like this. I ask every supporter to upvote every post made here. I also call on all those with a grain of courage left in them to openly list their participation in a post here, although any and all participation is welcome and encouraged - if you wish to participate and not tell anyone, that's fine. I will support everyone who signs for the forum boycott with upvotes, and encourage everyone else to do the same. Go through the discussion and upvote everyone who signs for it.
If the 1-week forum boycott fails to produce an improvement in the situation, I will propose a later 2-week forum boycott. Stay tuned!
As a formality, let this be considered my endorsement on next week's General Discussion forum boycott:
From August 4, 2019 00:00 UTC to August 11, 2019 00:00 UTC, I pledge to uphold the forum boycott and refrain from posting in General Discussion on these forums.
- DivisionByZero.620
Inauthentic/targeted downvoting has been a severe problem on these forums for years and nothing gets done about it despite numerous pending wishlist requests.
Everyone who speaks out against the "low rated" censorship regime ends up getting targeted for low-rating of every post. I'm being targeted for this as well.
I'm calling on every decent supporter of civil, intelligent discussion on these forums to join me for a 1-week boycott of the General Discussion forum here to protest against rampant inauthentic/unfair downvoting and staff inaction. The boycott will start on August 4 (Sunday next week) at midnight UTC and end on August 11 at midnight UTC. For that week, all participants agree not to post on the General Discussion forums here. If you want to discuss specific games and franchises, there are subforums to do that.
Why a 1-week forum boycott is a good thing:
* The best way to stop trolling is to stop feeding the trolls. Coordinated abusive downvoting is a form of trolling, and cutting off their supply of posts to downvote leaves them bored.
* GOG staff will see their General Discussion turn into a ghost town overnight. No replies to their sales or new game announcements, although I encourage you to buy anyway to support DRM-free gaming.
* In the best case, a 1-week forum boycott potentially helps us identify who are the bad actors behind the toxic downvoting. Well-established users who continue to post over that week basically end up identifying themselves as either being part of the problem or at least being complicit through inaction.
Now before anyone makes the disingenuous and fake argument that "GOG can't afford to do this, they are already strapped for cash"...
There's a painfully simple/obvious reason that the forums and Warframe forums already did: Remove the downvote button. That should take the forum software devs no more than half an hour to implement by commenting out some code. There's no reason why this shouldn't happen.
I'm expecting to get downvoted to hell by the bottom-feeding forum-cancer downvote trolls for having the guts to openly declare war on them like this. I ask every supporter to upvote every post made here. I also call on all those with a grain of courage left in them to openly list their participation in a post here, although any and all participation is welcome and encouraged - if you wish to participate and not tell anyone, that's fine. I will support everyone who signs for the forum boycott with upvotes, and encourage everyone else to do the same. Go through the discussion and upvote everyone who signs for it.
If the 1-week forum boycott fails to produce an improvement in the situation, I will propose a later 2-week forum boycott. Stay tuned!
As a formality, let this be considered my endorsement on next week's General Discussion forum boycott:
From August 4, 2019 00:00 UTC to August 11, 2019 00:00 UTC, I pledge to uphold the forum boycott and refrain from posting in General Discussion on these forums.
- DivisionByZero.620