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rojimboo: I love it when ragequits are applauded and cheered on by the regulars.

They are almost gleeful that people are abandoning the platform :)
paladin181: When people are completely unreasonable, what else are you to do? Had the guy posted "Hey I have a problem. Do I need to refund, or am I doing something wrong?" People would have been mostly helpful. They would have told him the best way to handle it. But When you come in "I couldn't properly download my game. Fuck you GoG Instant refund and never shopping again!!!" What are you supposed to do. Completely out of proportion response to "I couldn't download a game the first time I attempted it." and for someone who's been here more than half a decade and should be passingly familiar with the situation, it's genuinely laughable.
I absolutely agree with paladin. This attitude is so unfair for GOG.
10 days ago I bought a game on sale. The game installed properly but it wouldn't start. I couldn't find a solution on the internet, so I asked for a refund and it was granted. The immediate following day I bought another game again on a sale. There were errors during installation! Again I couldn't find a solution on the internet, so a asked for a refund again and it was granted again. I won't write which were those games. They weren't working to me, they might work to other people. No fuss, no ruckus about it.
Post edited August 07, 2022 by CarChris
Vainamoinen: Thank you! I honestly don't see why we would ridicule the person, particularly seeing how his beef is simply with the basic functionality of the vendor platform.
If he were only reporting the problem and asking for it to be resolved, it probably would have happened, but the topic and the end of his post come across as a wife that says she's leaving and going home to mother.
Pangaea666: Low rated OP huh, wasn't that supposed to be impossible now?
Timboli: Seems to have happened a couple of times now, but then disappears again.

I saw it briefly before switching pages, then when I went back it was no longer there.

Perhaps there is a Bot War going on.
Or they are trying to be clever and cover their tracks.
Vainamoinen: It's not acceptable that the "DRM free backup installers", formerly known as THE ACTUAL GAME™, are just treated as an afterthought that may or may not work upon upload. There's nothing "silly as heck" about wanting to use .exe installers instead of a supposedly "always optional forever we swear by our mothers' graves" library organizing app.
You don't need to rely on Galaxy remaining DRM free to run Galaxy games. That's the whole point of DRM free in the first place. If Galaxy does something to insult your mother, just launch directly from the .exe. Also, considering patches and whatnot, the offline installer isn't a very good backup on day one anyway without the future support.

Like many threads on here complaining about DRM, it's actually the client in general you're mad at. Clients and DRM are different things.
StingingVelvet: Like many threads on here complaining about DRM, it's actually the client in general you're mad at. Clients and DRM are different things.
How could I be "mad at the client" when I never even used the thing?
rojimboo: I love it when ragequits are applauded and cheered on by the regulars.

They are almost gleeful that people are abandoning the platform :)
paladin181: When people are completely unreasonable, what else are you to do? Had the guy posted "Hey I have a problem. Do I need to refund, or am I doing something wrong?" People would have been mostly helpful. They would have told him the best way to handle it. But When you come in "I couldn't properly download my game. Fuck you GoG Instant refund and never shopping again!!!" What are you supposed to do. Completely out of proportion response to "I couldn't download a game the first time I attempted it." and for someone who's been here more than half a decade and should be passingly familiar with the situation, it's genuinely laughable.
I got the feeling he isn't around here much. Anyone who is knows what to expect.

richlind33: I never cared about DRM-free to the exclusion of other important considerations, such as customer support or how well the installers are kept up to date.
Timboli: Is anyone here doing otherwise?

Sure some folk come to GOG, just chasing a game, and don't care about DRM at all. Whether they might now be the majority of customers I don't know.

However, the GOG faithful who do care about having DRM-Free, what the store is based on, would also care about support, and especially Offline Installers being up-to-date. It is only the Offline Installers in reality, that are DRM-Free.

If you solely use Galaxy, and don't download and backup your GOG games, then you are really relying on a web connection for every installation, and not really engaging in DRM-Free. Such usage while available through Galaxy, is not really what GOG was created in the first place for, and why so many are anti-Galaxy ... though to be fair, Galaxy can also be used to download the Offline Installers. Personally I don't like the bloat of Galaxy, and would much prefer an option to make it Galaxy Lite or a separate second official downloader that is that.
I would use Galaxy if they'd gone with open source.
Post edited August 07, 2022 by richlind33
Vainamoinen: How could I be "mad at the client" when I never even used the thing?
This is a silly reply, of course you can be mad at (disagree with) things you don't use yourself.
StingingVelvet: You don't need to rely on Galaxy remaining DRM free to run Galaxy games. That's the whole point of DRM free in the first place. If Galaxy does something to insult your mother, just launch directly from the .exe. Also, considering patches and whatnot, the offline installer isn't a very good backup on day one anyway without the future support.

Like many threads on here complaining about DRM, it's actually the client in general you're mad at. Clients and DRM are different things.
Surprised to see someone that goes back now.

We never interacted much, but glad to see wisdom still being dispensed :-)

Hope all has been fine.
Post edited August 08, 2022 by Dischord
Vainamoinen: It's either that for GOG or providing other, possibly more costly safeguards against review bombing. For certain publishers, developers, and games, "doesn't own the game" means 95% fake reviews. I've attached a recent example. GOG will of course display the overall rating more prominently than the verified owners rating. From their business clients' perspective, that's horseshit.

Even more heinous of course is when fake reviewers downvote positive reviews, which also happens here 24/7.

Not to sound flippant, but of course user game reviews are as subjective as humanly possible. It's art criticism, plain and simple. There's no one objective measuring stick for that. Yes, they are often "not worth a pinch".

They are also indispensable.

GOG is now pretty much fighting for survival.
Despite my healthy skepticism of reviews, they are as you say, somewhat indispensable. I just be really discerning when I read them, and maybe I just go for an overall consensus if there is an obvious one ... even then though, I sometimes look elsewhere for important info about a game I am interested in.

Often for me it is weighing up all the factors that are available, and reviews are often just one part, so images and video clips and even the blurb can be more important ... even the game title. The file size of a game can be quite telling also.

As for the review bombs you speak of, I cannot say any have ever really stuck out to me, so I am very skeptical about that. And having gotten over 1600 games from GOG now since May 2017, I have seen and read a lot of reviews.

Anyway, I always check if the reviewer is listed as owning the game, and always give more weight to their review if they do. And any review that starts to sound opinionated gets short shrift with me.

The very real truth, is that unless a game is exclusive to GOG, many more folk at Steam and elsewhere would have bought and played the game, and their reviews can be quite valuable. And it seems very unlikely to me, that many would deliberately post at GOG just to be negative about a game.

What actually bothers me more, is folk who have a connection to the developer or publisher spreading misinformation to encourage sales. They are the true fakes that to me are quite likely more common.

Are GOG really fighting for survival any more now, than they have been for at least the last half of their existence? To be perfectly honest, I don't really know. Sometimes I think they are, sometimes it seems not.
Post edited August 08, 2022 by Timboli
Bye bye.
paladin181: When people are completely unreasonable, what else are you to do? Had the guy posted "Hey I have a problem. Do I need to refund, or am I doing something wrong?" People would have been mostly helpful. They would have told him the best way to handle it. But When you come in "I couldn't properly download my game. Fuck you GoG Instant refund and never shopping again!!!" What are you supposed to do. Completely out of proportion response to "I couldn't download a game the first time I attempted it."
I don't know man, I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that when you pay for service or a product, you get something in return. Say, a functioning product or a service.

Seems to me the customer was (fairly) reasonable in his reaction - paid money to be able to play the game - couldn't play the game for a day (?) or more, whilst not knowing when the problem would be solved.

Expected a person in support - got a chatbot instead due to cost savings. Annoying yes, but everyone is moving towards this and I do think if it works, there's no issue with using chatbots to greatly help the support situation. So I don't agree with OP in this complaint.

What I *don't* understand is the gleeful ridicule of the person who had a genuine problem and left GOG due to poor service. I mean, it's funny (some of it) so go at it, but at least be aware of how it's perceived. Almost a celebration that another gave up and left.

paladin181: and for someone who's been here more than half a decade and should be passingly familiar with the situation, it's genuinely laughable.
So OP should not be surprised that GOG doesn't provide a functioning service so that he can play the games that he paid for? Is this really where we are at now? "Get used to it! Be happy anything works!" ;)
rojimboo: What I *don't* understand is the gleeful ridicule of the person who had a genuine problem and left GOG due to poor service. I mean, it's funny (some of it) so go at it, but at least be aware of how it's perceived. Almost a celebration that another gave up and left.
It's hardly gleeful, but mostly everyone by now is used to some level of jank in GOG's service. Things do work eventually. If OP had simply cooled his head for a bit and come back several hours later to retry the download, the problem would have most likely solved itself. The tone in which the first post is written certainly reminds one of rage quitting, hence the ridicule. OP could have simply left GOG without making a thread about it, as I am sure many other people have done. Tolerating jank is a very personal choice after all.
Post edited August 09, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
rojimboo: What I *don't* understand is the gleeful ridicule of the person who had a genuine problem and left GOG due to poor service. I mean, it's funny (some of it) so go at it, but at least be aware of how it's perceived. Almost a celebration that another gave up and left.
There was a whole thread of people experiencing this same temporary glitch. It wasn't a hidden thread, it was the very thread about the (glitched) release. In it, the affected users pointed out the problem and awaited its correction. Mister ByeByeGOG was above that. He went directly in full "how DARE you" mode, with his own thread, because he was so magnificently special that he wouldn't tolerate what others took as a minor annoyance (a download unavailable at the minute of release).

It's a mindset that deserves ridicule, especially in contrast with the normal people of that original thread. He wasn't the only one to have a problem. He was the only one to give it that weight and meaning. It's like travelling in a crowd with one self-important short-fused passenger that throws a loud fit at the slightest hiccup. It's no big deal if he leaves the vehicle, and in the meantime his crisis provides the others a little distraction (and, ironic effect, a little relativism).