Lone_Scout: What a sexist attitude... :/
I don't mind playing characters of different gender in games. However, this kind of game might be of your liking or not (tastes are so personal that you can't compare to other games), but the Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs of nowadays, so it's not a bad addition to your library. Enjoy it!
darthspudius: People have the right to be sexist. Just as they have the right to be racist, homophobic etc. Just leave them to it.
Erm... no. There is no such right; on contrary, that goes explicitly against international law and most (if not all) constitutions.
Mind me, I'm at least as sick as you at this "sexism in games" bs, but that correction had to be made.
I'm tired of it because I simply don't find anything sexist in (most) things and all those people ranting are usually as close minded and restrictive as the "far right" groups are, and they are blatantly not fighting for equality (which they already have in Western Society, period) but for privileges.
That said, staying on topic, @BeatriceElysia I know that sometimes playing RPGs as the opposite sex is kinda awkward, still if the character is already weel defined I don't mind it at all.
One thing is playing a silent protagonist which you should personally identify with, but most of those games have male/female selection.
In the case of Geralt, you have already a solid character you play as, but you are... how can I say it... you are not roleplaying as yourself but as if you were him. What Geralt would do rather than what you would do, imo, so i doubt there would be any problem in that regard.