nightcraw1er.488: When will we start getting remasters of remasters.
drmike: Yes, that was the old way of doing it, old GL is quite fond of it too if you look at how many times Star Wars got remade.
nightcraw1er.488: <blah blah> remastered. Yes fans what you have always been waiting for, it's your old favourite with a widescreen mod applied. Now give us the big wonga!
When will we start getting remasters of remasters.
wolfsite: Wouldn't the PS4 version of Shadow of the Colossus by considered a remaster of a remaster since it was remastered on the PS3 from the original PS2 version?
Speaking of which they should start working on a de-master for PS1 so the game can be available on all Sony consoles.
There's not a lot on PS that isn't already on PC, but I would agree that it would be nice to have a PC version of Red Dead, God of War, and Last of Us.