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Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I would kill a bunch of zombies, then take their clothes and strip of their flesh.
This is then my new dress-code, together with some body-painting, too look and smell like them.
Last, walk like a zombie, that way they'll leave me alone as they never attack their own kind.
Post edited October 29, 2021 by sacroon
I would find a small untouched town, fortify, and expand/rebuild as needed. Create a small community and make sure all essential skills are covered.
Obviamente, iria procurar uma Ilha deserta longe do continente e começar uma vida nova, construindo algo como casas e usando a madeira da ilha para construir uma muralha em volta dela, mas antes tentaria procurar sobreviventes, de preferência de confiança, para poder construir uma civilização, levando o necessário. Também levaria objetos que não se encontram na ilha para não ter problemas.
I might actually get in shape, or die trying.
I'd build a tree fort, wait for someone to come around to help me, follow them until I had to kill them (not going to watch them turn).

After that I'd drift in and out of different groups of survivors, end up at an amazing place, lose an extremity, find the love of my life, live happily ever after (yay for Cliolet, or Viontine?) :D

Post edited October 29, 2021 by SpikedSoul
Ideally, find some well-prepared community and leverage my partner's skills as an emergency physician into permission for our family to join them.

Realistically, die screaming.
Find the nearest liquor store and live it up until the zombies come then join the undead party and party on for the rest of my undead life lol
Find an island big enough to form a small community, fortified it, and have all the necessities, like water, renewable food, energy, and form a small community with all the necessary skills, with animals to breed and eat, weapons for protection, and a boat to go back for necessities.
I'd setup shop atop a mountain range somewhere, this way you would always have the upper hand in seeing where things are happening.
Go to the mall. It has everything. Also you can get resources.
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
find nearest national guard armory. lock and load.
Be a strong mentor to a child just like Clementine and let her prevail over ultimate obstacles along the way.
That way, I might live forever.
I would find myself another group of survivors.
I mean a man's gotta eat :)
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
Se eu vivesse no mundo de The walking dead games reformaria minha casa, construindo cômodos secretos para me proteger dos seres humanos. Já a proteção contra os andantes, usaria vários andantes como camuflagem da minha casa. No entanto, teria que amputar os braços e extrair a mandíbula dos andantes de modo a deixá-los sem oferecer perigo para humanos, ao mesmo tempo que não atrairiam outros andantes para o meu refúgio. Por último, treinaria muito parkour, para deslocar-me pelo alto, sem chamar a atenção dos andantes e dos outros humanos.
I would go full-on steampunk and become a dirigible captain, sailing the skies and bombing the heck out of zombie hordes. My vessel would look something like the attached photo, but probably not made out of Lego. Would I wear goggles and stylized facial hair? You better believe it. But no top hat. That would be lost in the first good gust of wind.
legacy.png (434 Kb)