My PS5 is installing a game to a SSD and then it basically is "digital", in your language. Why? Because in modern times we play any game from a m2 SSD for performance purpose. So, a physical disc is simply firstly a long lasting archive, and secondly a "proof of purchase", at third "a nice real collection, especially if Steelbooks involved".
I dunno why i should decide between "Disc" and "digital" if i could have BOTH AT ONCE.
I could as well put GOG installers on a disc of course, but so far it was to much of work to me and only the most complete games would be worthy to put them on a disc for archival purpose... yet, why not.
There are as well some nice art for the cover and what else... someone simply will have to be creative. Why should i chose between one single thing if i could have all at once?
Because to lazy to "put an disc inside?" Oh dear... if i would be that lazy in my daily life i may as well stop to cook my own food, stop polishing my car.... stop brushing my hairs... simply stop moving a single finger for the sake of "maximum convenience". i do not chose this life of being as lazy as humanly possible, for the sake of maximum quality and simply because "I got a choice" and i want to PRESERVE any choice,
"But i always have to switch out the disc if i want to play any game".
Answer: Simply play a game from start to finish, and do not switch out a game every single day. It does not make much sense, except for testing purpose and if a new install is needed.
"But if i use the digital marketplace my games all start up instantly by a single click".
Answer: In general every game, no matter its source, will have to be installed first. On top of that, if a SSD is to small the game may have to become installed and uninstalled if we enjoy to "switch around games every single day", which is not any less of a struggle than using a disc. Most PS5 and PC gamers do not have a drive with sufficient size in order to store and install the entire archive unless their archive is so tiny... like 10 games, that they may not even be capable to "switch out discs" a lot because just way to less games available.
I just think, apart from being very lazy, we just love the idea of having it digital because this is the stuff most of the society and friends are doing. The majority can never be wrong... and any minority, with the exception of powerful elitists, should become wiped out, along with their interests... because it is simply obsolete.
"But on a disc the data is oudated soon?"
Answer: Sure... on a SSD the data is as well outdated soon.... so if we want to have the data updated either update the data, play the old data (usually works) or wait for a "final version" of any game (may happen),
I dunno the issues.... yet i could not care less as long as a company is not trying to get ride of any stuff the majority is not sufficiently supporting,
timppu: You can't install nor play a CD-based game without an actual optical drive that can read that CD. Sure you could turn the CD into an ISO and mount it with some emulated CD image software.. but then it isn't physical anymore as you turned it into a digital ISO image, to overcome the physical restriction I just mentioned.
Then simply GET the optical drive! I know, it is weird becoming confronted by so much common sense.
Yes a lot is possible using a disc, dependable on the individual taste and possibilities. It IS still physical because you should still own your disc, no matter how it will be used.