Posted April 30, 2017

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted April 30, 2017

Just don't buy it and you are fine. I do so too.
Of course exclusive content is bad from a general point of view, but GOG is surely not a saint either. As long as they aren#t worse than their competitors in this regard.
As Strafe (punishment) I won't buy any game with exclusive content. I will only buy games where I can buy every digital content there is.

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted April 30, 2017

In both cases, people who loathe or simply do not want pre-order DLC do not have to buy it

Consider this, GOG could abandon its no-DRM principle and your whole post would be just as valid. Just replace "pre-order DLC" with DRM.
In reality GOG isn't going to avoid selling games with DRM because there is far too much money to be had by selling them, and it is up to the publishers whether or not they want to include DRM or not. If a publisher wants to release a game with DRM and GOG says "we don't allow that" then the publisher will simply not sell their game on GOG and GOG is out any new-release profit that they would get from such a game, and the profit they would have received does not go into enhancing the website or investing in other ways to bring new content to the platform.
... etc etc

Publishers should offer the DLC for sale after the release. This way, those who could not preorder, do not miss out on stuff, while those who do pre-order do not feel cheated; they still got their DLC for free and have their advantage over those who didn't preorder.
I just feel that if people's goal is to convince GOG as a company that they shouldn't sell games that have pre-order DLC, and they shouldn't sell games that X, Y or Z, or M, N, O or P, that GOG then gets a reputation in the gaming industry for catering to niche gamer extremism and is difficult to work with, and the door closes on being able to work with a lot of publishers.
There are a lot of anti-consumer practices used in the gaming industry that I dislike and would like to see stop, but I refuse to take an all-or-nothing minority viewpoint about these things because I believe that such viewpoints always end with one result if they get their way, and that is "nothing".
Instead of being anti-something like this, I prefer to be pro-the-opposite. I'd rather encourage people to buy games that do NOT have pre-order DLC than launch a campaign to tell people to not buy games that do have it. I think it was Mother Teresa who was asked by someone if she would become part of their anti-war rally or something like that, and she said something like "no, but if you decide to have a pro-peace rally sometime, give me a call". I'm paraphrasing of course, but I generally believe in that philosophy for the most part, however I do recognize than the opposing one can sometimes work also. It's a matter of individually positioning one's self on which of the two ideals one believes is best in the bigger picture of things overall.
That's why I'm a big fan of CDPR and I actively promoted their games with friends and in forums etc. online for example. It helps to promote their business model which I think is pro-consumer. I personally avoid buying games from companies that I believe have crossed a certain anti-consumer threshhold, and I do inform people for example of games that have Denuvo on them if they might be unaware of it, but I don't tell them what they should do. I think people should be given the information if they want it or are open to hear it, but that they should then be left to decide for themselves even if I disagree with their decision and think they are making a bad choice both for themselves and the industry as a whole.
I do use Wordpress so hypothetically I could do that. I'd probably want to rewrite certain things with more polish for a long-term general opinion or blog type articles though. Not sure there's a big enough audience to make it worth the time and effort mind you. :)
Post edited April 30, 2017 by skeletonbow

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted April 30, 2017

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted April 30, 2017

Consider this, GOG could abandon its no-DRM principle and your whole post would be just as valid. Just replace "pre-order DLC" with DRM.

My point was only that making general blanket statements "if you don't like it, don't buy it" should never be used to argue for or against anything. Yet they crop out often here whenever someone complains about something (for example it happened a lot when people complained about GOG introducing in-development games).
Post edited April 30, 2017 by ZFR

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted April 30, 2017
Even if it doesn't work... so what? There are so many games to buy, most people have long wishlists and extensive backlogs, the market is overflowing, not pre-ordering something is hardly a great sacrifice. Quite the contrary in fact. Most people don't have the time to play eveyrthing they'd want and the money to buy everything, so doesn't it make sense to apply some logic to making the choice of what to spend those money and time on, and buy finished games instead of falling for transparent marketing ploys that hurt overall quality of games released? Even if it doesn't affect the big picture, it doesn't adversly affect us either. It's a choice we'd have to make anyway based on some criteria.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 30, 2017

go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted April 30, 2017

If something is an extra that won't be available later, then obviously that wasn't thought of as adding value to the game (t.i. doesn't make it worth more).

(But also, most games with preorder exclusives run on "more is better" by design. More maps, more factions, more possible character traits, etc.)
An exhaustive list of devs I'd trust to cut content:
Andrew Plotkin
Andrew Walters
D-pad Studio
It's usually the publisher making the decision to withhold "exclusive" content, and the way math works, the publisher doesn't care. They're not going to renegotiate agreements for the sake of a handful of copies. But even when the game is self-published and they know they're "wrong" (as in, they know the content is meaningful and there's demand for it - e.g. the preorder campaign for Age of Wonders 3), it still basically never happens.
Celestian Tales put kickstarter exclusives up for sale,
Sunless Sea added some of (but not all) the kickstarter-exclusive content for free, and
Ethan Carter bundled up the actual preorder exclusives as extras at the re-release (partially because the dev (a) is Polish (b) is a decent person (c) got schooled in the preorder thread back in 2014 when people on the forum didn't let this shit slide).
Post edited April 30, 2017 by Starmaker

Overly Happy 8=D
Registered: Jun 2011
From Spain
Posted May 01, 2017
Have you heard about the new Elder Scrolls?!???
They are calling it Oblivion and it's gonna be great!
They are calling it Oblivion and it's gonna be great!

Got some Wang!
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted May 01, 2017
I can understand it being called oblivion, that's where all online only products end up, but how do you know it will be great? From history we can say the story missions would be very shallow and last around half an hour. The engine would be good, but will require thousands of mods to make it playable :op

0$ spent since 2017
Registered: Oct 2010
From Switzerland
Posted May 01, 2017
Youtube - Jim Sterling: Content Divided: Death To Pre-Order Culture (The Jimquisition)
Jim Sterling has summed it all up pretty well in his rant about "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided".
Thank god for him.
Jim Sterling has summed it all up pretty well in his rant about "Deus Ex: Mankind Divided".
Thank god for him.

Born Idealist
Registered: Mar 2011
From Canada
Posted May 01, 2017
Unlike many pervasive industry-wide practices (like Eulas, know anybody who reads that brick of legalese and understands it? No? Know that they are considered legally binding contracts in many courts? Know that traditionally, in law, a contract is supposed to be a binding engagement that is not entered lightly and that both parties are supposed to fully comprehend as it would be utter non-sense for any concerned party to give their word on something they don't fully understand?), this one is pretty clear and really a customer choice.
Games are available pre-order because people choose to pre-order them rather than wait (the game will still be available on release, people literally choose not to wait knowing full well what they are getting into).
If GOG doesn't jump on the wagon, the pre-order crowd will just buy them elsewhere and GOG will lose those sales.
Games are available pre-order because people choose to pre-order them rather than wait (the game will still be available on release, people literally choose not to wait knowing full well what they are getting into).
If GOG doesn't jump on the wagon, the pre-order crowd will just buy them elsewhere and GOG will lose those sales.
Post edited May 01, 2017 by Magnitus

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 01, 2017
Wasn't Executer the name of the main alien dude in "This Island Earth"?
No wait, that was Exeter.
No wait, that was Exeter.
Post edited May 01, 2017 by tinyE

New User
Registered: Dec 2016
From Germany
Posted May 01, 2017

Yeah, exaclty. That means: WIN
Take a look on YouTube; it’s a joke gun you can choose at the beginning that most probably simply kills everyone in a level, like a BFG on steroids.
From a gaming perspective it’s utterly useless, which I find hilarious. I’d love to see how many people preorder the game expecting something awesome, just to notice in about a week that all they got is a useless weapon.
I mean, it is an awesome idea by Pixel Titan, but for a different reason. It might teach some buyers a lesson about hype trains and pre-order madness without doing any real harm.
Edit: typo
Post edited May 01, 2017 by 4-vektor