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low rated
I'm not sure if I belong on this list or not (I only care about the DRM and pushing of Galaxy, I could not possibly give less of a damn about Devotion, China, or free speech), but just thought I'd say that I am boycotting as well, even if I'll happily abandon the cause if only the DRM and Galaxy complaints are addressed. (To be perfectly clear, I'm not against Devotion being put on GOG, I'm just completely apathetic.)
GamezRanker: Eh, I don't see games as "tainted" with such exclusives(especially as many games have store specific exclusives these days anyways, and also I get rid of any possible DRM via cracks after buying a game, so it doesn't bother me that much)...but we can agree to disagree on this. :)
Time4Tea: Yes, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject of cosmetic pre-order rewards.
NON-cosmetic pre-order and backer exclusives can piss right off and die in a filthy hole, however.
amok: there are indeed plenty of bad websites out there,
People may be unaware of this or have a fix for them.
yes. other insights?
If it's your time of the month have a lie down with a hot water bottle.
low rated
This is how people are attcked by gogs troll army, when they mention devotion under their (gogs) posts:
Captainchicken84: This is how people are attcked by gogs troll army, when they mention devotion under their (gogs) posts:
To be fair, neither "side" is being particularly constructive.
Time4Tea: This is good news, for sure, and encouraging to see GOG taking some action to address a DRMed game. However, they need to release Devotion and I want to see actions taken on some of the other list items (e.g. NMS, Absolver), before there would be any change to the boycott (for myself, at least).
I couldn't agree more.
QueenAdrian: I'm not sure if I belong on this list or not (I only care about the DRM and pushing of Galaxy, I could not possibly give less of a damn about Devotion, China, or free speech), but just thought I'd say that I am boycotting as well, even if I'll happily abandon the cause if only the DRM and Galaxy complaints are addressed. (To be perfectly clear, I'm not against Devotion being put on GOG, I'm just completely apathetic.)
This is perfectly fine. The boycott isn't chained to the Devotion issue; it just happened that that debacle's timing so close together with other blunders from Gog/CDPR sparked the idea of creating this boycott thread, and it was one major cause of dissatisfaction with Gog among many of those boycotters or sympathetic. But honestly we should have a thread like this long before Devotion happened.

So if you're dissatisfied with Gog to the point of boycotting, welcome to the list. if Gog ever addresses your concerns you can ask to be removed despite whatever situation Devotion might be in.
Post edited February 03, 2021 by joppo
high rated
QueenAdrian: I'm not sure if I belong on this list or not (I only care about the DRM and pushing of Galaxy, I could not possibly give less of a damn about Devotion, China, or free speech), but just thought I'd say that I am boycotting as well, even if I'll happily abandon the cause if only the DRM and Galaxy complaints are addressed. (To be perfectly clear, I'm not against Devotion being put on GOG, I'm just completely apathetic.)
joppo: This is perfectly fine. The boycott isn't chained to the Devotion issue; it just happened that that debacle's timing so close together with other blunders from Gog/CDPR sparked the idea of creating this boycott thread, and it was one major cause of dissatisfaction with Gog among many of those boycotters or sympathetic. But honestly we should have a thread like this long before Devotion happened.
Quite right. They really screwed the pooch all at once, but even disregarding Cyberpunk, I definitely get the impression GOG is now all about pushing Galaxy and being a Steam clone in general. In which case, If they're going to cave to censorship and not stay true to their principle of no DRM, I don't see why I should continue to support them anymore.
Captainchicken84: This is how people are attcked by gogs troll army, when they mention devotion under their (gogs) posts:
Or maybe they just have different sensibilities than you.

Personally, a couple of things bothered me about some of the expressed indignation:
- Lack of awareness that GOG is a corporation, not Mother Theresa
- Lack of awareness that given the above, it made a whole lot of sense not to drop China in favor of a relatively obscure indie game
- Downplaying how much of a faux pas publicly calling a leader "a moron" is (especially when you represent an entity that is bigger than yourself as an individual) and being astonished that there might be economic consequences coming from the camp that follows such a leader
- Going from raising legitimate concerns about Chinese authoritarianism to downright piling up on China, calling it things like the worst country of earth and a threat to humanity (I simply cannot endorse that viewpoint, even with simple apathetic silence)

But otherwise, yeah, I can empathise with the worry people are expressing about GOG remaining DRM-free. The timing with this incident is just unfortunate.
Post edited February 03, 2021 by Magnitus
low rated
Captainchicken84: This is how people are attcked by gogs troll army, when they mention devotion under their (gogs) posts:
Magnitus: Or maybe they just have different sensibilities than you.

Personally, a couple of things bothered me about some of the expressed indignation:
- Lack of awareness that GOG is a corporation, not Mother Theresa
- Lack of awareness that given the above, it made a whole lot of sense not to drop China in favor of a relatively obscure indie game
- Downplaying how much of a faux pas publicly calling a leader "a moron" is (especially when you represent an entity that is bigger than yourself as an individual) and being astonished that there might be economic consequences coming from the camp that follows such a leader
- Going from raising legitimate concerns about Chinese authoritarianism to downright piling up on China, calling it things like the worst country of earth and a threat to humanity (I simply cannot endorse that viewpoint, even with simple apathetic silence)

But otherwise, yeah, I can empathise with the worry people are expressing about GOG remaining DRM-free. The timing with this incident is just unfortunate.
Oh, another china apologist, seems you're ok with their human rights violations.
Captainchicken84: Oh, another china apologist, seems you're ok with their human rights violations.
I'm not. I'm just not as polarised as you on the issue. Condemning some of the things done by the Chinese Government is not the same thing as attacking the core identity of ~1 billion people or forgetting world history (if you think China has a monopoly on doing horrible sh*t to people, you are sorely deluded).
Post edited February 03, 2021 by Magnitus
Are they really putting games into my shopping cart as a means of promotion?
Such weak sauce.

WeirdoGeek: I'm still baffled at why they used the term "many gamers"
I think it's pretty funny tho.
Because GOG doesn't even try to imply those "many gamers" are GOG's customers.
So in a way GOG failed in lying quite miserably. Like, literally, they made such a bogus claim that has such high satire potential.

WeirdoGeek: Pretty much the only acceptable excuse at this point is if these "messages" were actually serious death threats that included the GOG team's personal information and the threat included to lie about what really happened if they didn't want to get hurt.
Ah, yes, "they didn't want to get hurt so they didn't tell ANYBODY that someone is sending them life threats".
Come on.

You know, interpol exists, they have cybercrime division that would get pretty interested in something like this if that would be real.
If GOG would be receiving such "mass threats" then the right move about it would be to go public about it.
What better cover-your-a** would be than making public know and subsequently pay attention to your every step?
In such situation any potential perpetrator would have to get through quite an ordeal to make do without ANY evidence.
If you receive these types of threats being silent about it is one of the worst things you can do.
If GOG would be in such situation and they would inform public, then if something would happen to them the whole thing just couldn't stay hidden from outsiders. The whole idea would blow into perpetrators faces.
It would lieterally be international scandal that would bring a lot of attention to all parties involved.
And if by any chance any of them would have any ties to any governmental agencies then it could potentially sparkle international tension or even conflict.

I don't buy whole "they have been receiving d threats" idea.
An offshore country caving into such demands based on d threats would only encourage original source of the whole ordeal to go even further.

What is most likely is that GOG either signed something in the lines of "give us money and we will do anything" (ergo EGS deal having some hidden agenda public doesn't know about) or they care more about MONEY from a bunch of far-far-away POTENTIAL future customers than their entire estabilished userbase.

GamezRanker: Likely because not many are voting atm.

it is back there now when I looked(in the top list of wishes)
WeirdoGeek: God, this thing's reaching 9k and STILL GOG buries their head in the sand...
Don't say before this happens. After initial boom a chart of new votes is pretty much logarithmic.

Time4Tea: Yes, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject of cosmetic pre-order rewards.
WeirdoGeek: NON-cosmetic pre-order and backer exclusives can piss right off and die in a filthy hole, however.
I think a good strategy if developer wants to give lucrative-at-first-sight incentive for some people to pre-order is to add TIMED pre-order exclusive items (which would be free with pre-orders and later buyable some time after release for others).
Of course in case of GOG it would have to be fully offline installable.

That's just my opinion tho. Please, nobody bash me for voicing it.

Magnitus: Lack of awareness that given the above, it made a whole lot of sense not to drop China in favor of a relatively obscure indie game
It's very concerning if a company decides to internationally ban game Z on a premise that SOME actually PAST content (currently cut) may offend some people from one country.
Such move in the age of geoblocking technical possibilities, with all neccesary merits already in place on the related platform, is truly unacceptable.
It's hard not to call this enticement of censorship.

Magnitus: Downplaying how much of a faux pas publicly calling a leader "a moron" is (especially when you represent an entity that is bigger than yourself as an individual) and being astonished that there might be economic consequences coming from the camp that follows such a leader
Perhaps developers acknowledged that china isn't the only country in the world?
And it doesn't matter if some minority in ONE country gets offended because the game is intended for international market that is SUPPOSED to have free speech based on fundamental human rights from international conventions?

Captainchicken84: Oh, another china apologist, seems you're ok with their human rights violations.
Magnitus: I'm not. I'm just not as polarised as you on the issue. Condemning some of the things done by the Chinese Government is not the same thing as attacking the core identity of ~1 billion people or forgetting world history (if you think China has a monopoly on doing horrible sh*t to people, you are sorely deluded).
It really doesn't matter how many entities have done some horrible thing in world history, it remains a horrible thing and entities still doing it are rightfully called out.
Just because some others might have done it or actively do it now does not mean the fact of some entity doing it can be casually brushed off.
My last purchase with money was on Apr 29, 2020, I was taking the “gamers” approach before the Chinese 50 cent army, I mean “gamers” were.

I have no intention of buying anything, but I’ll take whatever free game they offer, I’ve paid enough towards C(CP)DPR, it’s the least they could do.
low rated
WeirdoGeek: God, this thing's reaching 9k and STILL GOG buries their head in the sand...
It got over 4 times the votes of the previous issue of note(the removal of GOG DLer), in less than 1/3 the time.....and yet yes, they still ignore it.

(of course they didn't with 2077...but that's likely because it is CDPR's product and one of their sources of income, and many more complained about it across the net)


Time4Tea: Well, if 'compromising' means us (DRM-free supporters) gradually giving up ground, which they (GOG) are continuously taking, then I am done compromising. I will pick and fight this battle right here. Besides, since when did FCKDRM involve compromising? Like with one's freedom, there can be no compromise with DRM.
What I meant is that when asking for such things to be done like with the list in the OP post, it's often better to be willing to either ask for less from the start, or make a "big ask" at the start & then ask for more reasonable things later on once the big ask gets rejected.

The point being: if one isn't willing to compromise(not one's personal beliefs and stances......I mean when dealing with others) and asks for too much, and isn't willing to bend....usually they more often than not don't get what they want.
(of course with GOG, it's likely one wouldn't get what they want either way, but there's a better chance in general one will get their requests met if they're not too unrealistic or asking too much)

Btw a question(just curious): How would you feel if such cosmetic pre order things were galaxy only for a short time, then given to everyone else who had bought the game they went with? Still against or no?


Cavalary: Sadly, it's not in the least how it does work. Because the large majority of people sadly don't do that, and bad businesses thrive on their backs, pushing any few better ones aside and screwing everyone over.
Well that(what I said) is how the market works in some cases....but yeah, sadly those are the exceptions rather than the norm.


Magnitus: Fair enough, I'm sorry to hear. I hope things get better.

Family can be complicated, but everyone should have friends.
Y'all** are my friends...and i'm glad for having that :)
(I also have some family, but most of em are not into games much or aren't always up to playing)

(**=gog users, others online, etc)
Post edited February 03, 2021 by GamezRanker