Fender_178: I am a gamer at the end of the day and I play games no matter where they come from. I feel for the gamers who were lied to about Cyperpunk. That sucks and shouldn't have happened.
It was a deliberate deception on GOG's and CDPR's part up to the last minute, safeguarded by the
warning that 'content may be subject to change'. There was this press version sent to Youtubers and magazines to review the game. Its version was 1.03 and it contained content which wasn't present in the version the rest of the world received, which was either never present, cut out or removed by the release patch.
One could very well say they lied about many things or rather that they made false promises about the game and how it is going to be. Feeling lied to? I guess that's only applicable to a minority who bought the game on its day of release or shortly thereafter. Those could have made an informed decision to wait just a tad bit longer until some real reviews were out to see what they actually get. Those who placed a pre-order may also have felt cheated in one way or other because what they got in the end wasn't what was promised for a long time. This was a conscious decision on their part and they should have known that in the end a game doesn't always turn out the way it was showcased and over promised/hyped during development.
This certainly was a valuable lesson to not to buy a game before you see the final product. Which, in case of CP, if you have to categorize it, turned from Open-World RPG into an Action-Adventure of sorts. Nothing wrong with that. Because what boxes it fits into, what is more important is how each aspect fitting to a particular genre plays out. I have yet to buy this game and only watched my favorite Streamer Oehrchen play it on Twitch. This will happen when the GOTY is out and most content that's cut out is back in - and this is a very long list, according to what's been identified by r/cyberpunkgame members. So, lots of work still for CDPR to make good whatever they can, to turn it into something close to what they promised it would be.