Vendor-Lazarus: GOG just made it even easier to soft-boycott them.
They just confirmed that they will only be supporting the mono-culture that is Googles Blink browser engine.
Which means I won't even be able to use their newsletter discount codes at the redeem page.
I've already unsubscribed back in Dec 3. When I submitted a ticket that they broke the Redeem page.
Only 1 more certain buy on my wishlist, 3 maybes, and 1 maybe not.
mrkgnao: Where did they confirm it?
In my support ticket.
To be entirely fair, they also said Firefox (Which have now said they're okay with censorship and deplatforming).
However, they've been making that one as close to Chrome as possible.
Hence why I think it's just a matter of time until they switch engine too.
Like Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, Dooble, Avant, Maxhton and Sleipnir have already done.
Other browsers using Blink:
Iridium, Dissenter, Brave, Comodo Dragon, Falkon, SalaamWeb, SRWare Iron, Torch, Yandex, Polarity and Blisk.
Firefox's Gecko Engine: K-Meleon, SeaMonkey and WaterFox. They all have to change to Blink if Firefox do.