paladin181: I'm just glad there was a good response to this debacle
Ancient-Red-Dragon: No there wasn't. A good response
would consist of all of the following:
I cut the list here to save room. Sorry OP but the convenient numbering is easier to respond to than layered series of quotes. 1) That would be illegal. Mediation and negotiation are all closed table not public court. The courts have to be public so judged and staff payed by taxes don't get an excuse to be corrupt, but private negotiation has no such thing. It's unreasonable to say that every private negotiation between parties, corporate or otherwise, should be a matter of public record.
2) Contracts and negotiation. GoG would be frankly not be served by being openly combative moment one. IO abused GoGs terms to rush in a DRM locked game by loophole. Sure GoG could go in with "you ugly liars, remove this at once!" but that would serve nothing. To deescalate things and work to compromises, like offering some capital to pay for developing an offline system, since it is possible IO may be just trying to hide it doesn't have the money to fix this. Working together on public marketing for the DRMs removal to give IO incentive to put money into changing the game(since it would be significant development.) But if you go in demanding the thing be solved by day 3 or removed, then it's not helping anyone.
3) This is a repeat of number 1.
4) While in concept I agree with you, you are one of those people who has demanded the online system in Warcraft 3 is no different than Denuvo and that Gwent as a game, and by extention all MMOs, be removed immediately. I don't underhanded crap like using the word DRM in a very clearly different definition to GoG and your opposition and then continuing to pretend anyone not in line with you is just crazy or stupid. You can start demanding "all DRM" when you stop comparing all non-lan multiplayer functions as DRM.
5) This is a problem of the original page 1 post, that is entirely on Tea for not including. If you're going to refer to an event or happening, you have to actually detail what it is, or provide some kind of reference material. Because I'm sitting here going "the fuck are you talking about." Given there is a very active list for supposed DRM(I disagree with chunks of that list) I find it very difficult to believe games on here are locked behind DRM. Agreements to sell games produced by Epic Games does not mean they will all require Epic Launcher, if that's the direction you're going. 6 is a repeat so I'm skipping it.
Now, only point one and two have anything to do with Hitman. Four, five, and six, have nothing to do with this and have no such relation. It be stupid for them to even mention it. Your standards are ridiculous and selfish. If you want to run a company, then go make one or try to be part of GoG to change it from inside, but demanding the public get to play spectator sport to every meeting GoG has that is high-profile enough is just childish.
And yes, they made a great response. It was short and to the point, made no extra excuses, and didn't try to virtue signal or make grand promises about future activities, and they didn't go after or blame anyone for it. It is a fine response, nothing shakespear worthy by fine.
apehater: an interesting result, that gog really removed hitman. any guess what forced them to do it? did the articles in gamer press create enough pressure, that gog staff decided its best to pull for now?
Um, or they removed it because they realized it was crap and instead of removing it day 1 and attacking IO they tried to negotiate and get IO to develop and offline UI and progression system? Because they know IO can jjust go to steam and be fine leaving GoG behind. You know, give companies a reason to work with GoG over Valve without just burning the bridge with aggressive ideological demands? Dude, when someone does something praiseworthy, demanding your suspicious they did it for malicious reason, is kind of a dick move. either bring hard evidence, or just let people receive praise for doing good things.