Posted September 29, 2021

I'm simply curious. I don't know what other choice there is then to just, not play games for the foreseeable future if your boycotting GoG -and- steam at the same time.
P.S. Thanks to everyone who has recently joined. I will update the first post later on today :-)

However, I will not penalize indie devs because GOG can't stick to their guns concerning DRM and appear unwilling to rigorously document to what extent their games aren't DRM-free.
Heck, the creator of Unepic just released another game. I'm gonna boycott him because of GOG? Not in my lifetime.
GOG is just a store. If it gets to the point where I want to go "full boycott", I will just change store (if you are mostly interested in indie games, I believe there are more options) and won't come back.
Regarding indie devs: I think it's a good point and I have given that some thought too. My take is that, yes you are correct that they are not to blame for GOG's missteps; however, imo they have a moral obligation to provide their customers with some choice of where to purchase their game. There are several other DRM-free stores they could also release their game on, so if they choose to only release on GOG, then they are putting their eggs in one DRM-free basket, which is on them.
There are many indie games I like the look of, which I would certainly buy if they came to Zoom Platform. I have even approached some of them, requesting a Zoom release, but the response is often very disappointing. I am actually planning to buy the two games that are on Zoom Platform today (Sigi and Sir Lovealot), as I want to support an indie developer that is willing to release on other DRM-free stores besides GOG.
Post edited September 29, 2021 by Time4Tea