nightcraw1er.488: It’s not going to change by the way, very little has.
Yer sadly I have been keeping up with GOGs achievements and there have been disapointing to say the least.
nightcraw1er.488: Next game will be a kernel module for galaxy to run streaming direct.
Steady on, if GOG were to wield such power. It would truely be over for Steam.
Time4Tea: I will not support that and so I am now planning to continue my boycott indefinitely, until we see clear signs of GOG reversing course and listening to their customers.
Sadly I'm with ya with the indefinitely boycott, I did have hope once that things may have turned around but it is very clear that GOGs management want the store front to have a bigger piece of the Steam pie and stupidly think it's the DRM-Free nature of the store front preventing it from happening.
Time4Tea: What I will probably do with the thread is start a new one without and 'end date'; carry over the current list to that thread and remove anyone who requests to have their name removed. I will link to this thread in the first post of the new one and post a link to that one here. I'm not sure if I can change the title of a thread, once I have started it.
This sounds like a great idea, I guess at the time when you had made this thread you had hopes it would not last longer then 2021. Instead it got worse, a funny world isn't it.
Krogan32: Projection 101.
Thanks for continually bumping the thread your a true hero.