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rjbuffchix: Well after months of no purchases at all, I did find two must-haves. As I mentioned much much earlier in this topic (before some of your wall of text bickering with each other :p I joke, I joke), my stance of boycotting is that I was only going to go for "must-have" titles to own them (meaning to have the DRM-free offline installers that GOG obscures out of view and seems to direct people away from).

I have to say I felt a little "dirty" (I guess?) making the purchase. Made sure to buy on sale so that GOG received less money, whereas in the past I would buy games at full price without hesitation to support DRM-free gaming as a whole. "Fortunately" I don't have a feeling other must-haves are coming any time soon. I could be wrong. And if GOG gets a Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, GTA, etc, I would again make a purchase.

Get on it, GOG. That's the direction. DRM-free versions of big releases. That is the crystallization of the appeal of your store. Not making "the client to end all clients" so we can buy DRMed games here too. There are enough DRMed stores, thank you very much.
I know boycotting can be difficult and I won't judge. The main thing is that you have significantly reduced your spending, and if enough people do that, hopefully GOG will feel it.

Shendue: I don't know if it was reported it already here and I apologize if I'm repeating something already known, but I've read on the community wishlist that Devotion is now available, DRM-Free, for purchase directly from Red Candle games' website.
If you want to support the developer, I strongly suggest to buy their games directly from them:
Thanks! I bought Detention from Playism and I am planning to buy Devotion direct from Red Candle this weekend. I'm playing Detention atm and really enjoying it. It's a different and interesting point-and-click horror game and pretty freaky in places! It's very well made and the art style and music combine to make a very creepy atmosphere. It's a nice change from the usual western-oriented games I play.
Post edited March 20, 2021 by Time4Tea
low rated
I no longer buy in gog, only in steam and epic store.
StrongSoldier: I no longer buy in gog, only in steam and epic store.
Bait is bait.

Like Satan and Lucifer is better than Beelzebub..
I got me a new Gog game yesterday, Deadlight... for free. Hehehe.
The last purchase on Gog: 3rd of December 2019. Hahaha!
The last purchase for the Gog key outside of Gog: 14th of April 2020.
Man, as Englishmen would say - I loov it.
low rated
Devotion is available at the developers official website.

I'm sure all you GOG boycotters have already bought it to support them... totally.
Yeshu: Devotion is available at the developers official website.

I'm sure all you GOG boycotters have already bought it to support them... totally.
Bit late to that party, there were a good handful of separate threads regarding that, I myself posted a thread before seeing there were 4 threads at the time about it.
high rated
Yeshu: Devotion is available at the developers official website.

I'm sure all you GOG boycotters have already bought it to support them... totally.
I bought the bundle the night Red Candle made it available. I'm still disappointed with the actions of GOG on this issue but pleased the game is freely available for purchase for those that want to play it. I still haven't purchased anything from GOG and probably won't for some time. This situation left a bad taste in my mouth and given the other expenses I have I'm deprioritizing game purchases for the moment. If I do buy games I'm trying to buy physical (ideally not from resellers).

As a side note this Devotion issue and the ensuing boycott informed me of some other issues regarding backup installer versions as well as possible DRM related issues. I don't think I even would have been informed about some of these issues had I not felt strongly about Devotion. I haven't given up on GOG yet but I'm much more skeptical. I'll probably need to see some actions I feel move in the right direction before I consider purchasing again.
Mplath1: I bought the bundle the night Red Candle made it available. I'm still disappointed with the actions of GOG on this issue but pleased the game is freely available for purchase for those that want to play it. I still haven't purchased anything from GOG and probably won't for some time. This situation left a bad taste in my mouth and given the other expenses I have I'm deprioritizing game purchases for the moment. If I do buy games I'm trying to buy physical (ideally not from resellers).

As a side note this Devotion issue and the ensuing boycott informed me of some other issues regarding backup installer versions as well as possible DRM related issues. I don't think I even would have been informed about some of these issues had I not felt strongly about Devotion. I haven't given up on GOG yet but I'm much more skeptical. I'll probably need to see some actions I feel move in the right direction before I consider purchasing again.
I think there won't be any action in the direction of less DRM from GOG. On the contrary. They continuously move towards more DRM and the outcry, by now, is far too small to make them reconsider. So far only DLCs and cosmetics are DRM-ed. But if the trend of the recent years continues, GOG will eventually allow all kinds of DRM, just to increase their catalogue size.
low rated
Mplath1: I bought the bundle the night Red Candle made it available. I'm still disappointed with the actions of GOG on this issue but pleased the game is freely available for purchase for those that want to play it. I still haven't purchased anything from GOG and probably won't for some time. This situation left a bad taste in my mouth and given the other expenses I have I'm deprioritizing game purchases for the moment. If I do buy games I'm trying to buy physical (ideally not from resellers).

As a side note this Devotion issue and the ensuing boycott informed me of some other issues regarding backup installer versions as well as possible DRM related issues. I don't think I even would have been informed about some of these issues had I not felt strongly about Devotion. I haven't given up on GOG yet but I'm much more skeptical. I'll probably need to see some actions I feel move in the right direction before I consider purchasing again.
Lifthrasil: I think there won't be any action in the direction of less DRM from GOG. On the contrary. They continuously move towards more DRM and the outcry, by now, is far too small to make them reconsider. So far only DLCs and cosmetics are DRM-ed. But if the trend of the recent years continues, GOG will eventually allow all kinds of DRM, just to increase their catalogue size.
Examples? People keep saying this and that is DRM and the only proof they show is "Because I say so!".

Seriously? This thread devolved into shitposting for a bunch of elitists that are more concerned about stroking there own ego rather than actually put in some effort to make a change.
low rated
Yeshu: Devotion is available at the developers official website.

I'm sure all you GOG boycotters have already bought it to support them... totally.
Not all people boycotting are doing so because of devotion.
(there's an entire LIST of things in the OP post and more listed in other people's posts)

Btw, who are you that anyone has to prove anything to ya? o.0

Yeshu: Seriously? This thread devolved into shitposting for a bunch of elitists that are more concerned about stroking there own ego rather than actually put in some effort to make a change.
Pot meet kettle
Post edited March 21, 2021 by GamezRanker
Time4Tea: I know boycotting can be difficult and I won't judge. The main thing is that you have significantly reduced your spending, and if enough people do that, hopefully GOG will feel it.
Thanks for the kind words. I just look at it as there are different kinds of boycotts. Like anything, individuals can have vastly different reasons and approaches. This is mine and it works for me. I'm sure there are others who would stop boycotting entirely if the game they want gets released fact I would say more people seem to care about that than they do about the continuing DRMification of GOG just judging by responses in this topic alone.
Yeshu: Examples? People keep saying this and that is DRM and the only proof they show is "Because I say so!".
Did you miss where GOG staff said that DRMed games from Epic would be sold through "the new store on GOG Galaxy 2.0" (or whatever phrasing they use)?


That is literally GOG allowing DRM to increase their catalogue size. How is that for proof? The only way GOG justifies it elsewhere seems to be lame attempts to claim that the website store and GOG Galaxy are distinct; but, meanwhile, to any coherent person, GOG the company allowing DRM means that GOG the company is now okay with DRM and whichever way they divvy it up among users is beside the point.
low rated
rjbuffchix: I'm sure there are others who would stop boycotting entirely if the game they want gets released fact I would say more people seem to care about that than they do about the continuing DRMification of GOG just judging by responses in this topic alone.
Some of us also realize that(barring a miracle) drm is likely not going anywhere anytime soon, and that it's a more viable approach to just deal with it(buy cheap to give them less money, and remove drm after buying as needed) than try to fight a battle that likely has little(for now) hope of winning**.

(**I still hold out some hope for and would like to see the most egregious drm removed from gaming entirely, if not all of it)
Post edited March 21, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
Yeshu: Examples? People keep saying this and that is DRM and the only proof they show is "Because I say so!".
rjbuffchix: Did you miss where GOG staff said that DRMed games from Epic would be sold through "the new store on GOG Galaxy 2.0" (or whatever phrasing they use)?


That is literally GOG allowing DRM to increase their catalogue size. How is that for proof? The only way GOG justifies it elsewhere seems to be lame attempts to claim that the website store and GOG Galaxy are distinct; but, meanwhile, to any coherent person, GOG the company allowing DRM means that GOG the company is now okay with DRM and whichever way they divvy it up among users is beside the point.
It's not that they are sold through GOG Galaxy. It's that by syncing Galaxy you can buy games at the Epic Games Store through the Galaxy app.

You are buying games at the Epic Games Store while Galaxy is the middle man in the transaction.

From the GOG Rep:
"GOG.COM stays DRM-free, GOG GALAXY app is about connecting all of your games into one place. That being said, there is a possibility to have only the GOG.COM store visible in the app as well, so the GOG GALAXY store remains optional."

I advice double checking your info before screaming outrage.
I've just bought the Devotion/Detention/Soundtrack bundle off Red Candle, still not bought anything else on GOG.