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Edit for TimeforTea: Since I can now buy the game (in a place that 100% supports Red candle, no less!), I'm changing my boycott to heavy-sales for exclusive to GOG games only. Glad we won that part of the fight and I wish you fellas the best with the rest!
Post edited March 15, 2021 by WeirdoGeek

Edit for TimeforTea: Since I can now buy the game (in a place that 100% supports Red candle, no less!), I'm changing my boycott to heavy-sales for exclusive to GOG games only. Glad we won that part of the fight and I wish you fellas the best with the rest!
Sure, I can remove you from the boycott list. But, bear in mind the boycott is calling for Devotion to be released on GOG. As far as I am concerned, we haven't 'won that part of the fight' and there is no reason to let GOG off the hook, due to Red Candle taking matters into their own hands. Besides that there are several other items on the list.
WeirdoGeek: Since I can now buy the game (in a place that 100% supports Red candle, no less!), I'm changing my boycott to heavy-sales for exclusive to GOG games only. Glad we won that part of the fight and I wish you fellas the best with the rest!

Nobody won anything and gog are still the same craven cowards that don't deserve to have a single penny spent on them as before. If gog sold these games, it'd be different.
Time4Tea: There are almost 9,000 votes on the Devotion wishlist request and clearly GOG is much smaller (and has thinner profit margins) than HSBC in 2018.
BKGaming: Just because there are 9.000 votes doesn't necessarily mean anything to be honest. This attracted a lot of people outside of GOG's, let's say "core" userbase, that may have bought the game here but likely aren't typical GOG users. This wishlist entry was linked on Reddit in different gaming subs and probably other places.

With the introduction of Galaxy, and releasing Cyberpunk and the Witcher 3 GOG has grown significantly. My gut tells me there won't be a huge decline in revenue, and it will probably even increase, but when CDP releases their financial reports we will know more. As they say all publicity is good publicity.

Not that I have bone in this fight...
Care to explain how come the "many messages from gamers" Gog received were totally trustworthy data on which to base their decisions then? What makes them reliable while wishlist votes are just random white noise? In fact, why should Gog ever care about anything voted on the wishlist? They can't rely on those votes to mean anything. Why do they even have a wishlist?

Oooh wait! You might be onto something. They apparently know better than trust the 61409 votes on "Continue to be a DRM-free store , today, tomorrow, and forever!" ,
the 944 of [url=" f_your_games"] "Do not discriminate users who prefer offline installers to galaxy versions of your games!" [/url] (honestly, this number needs to grow) ,
the 5875 votes on "Do not ever allow microtransactions and video games with in game stores to be sold on",
or the 29857 votes for "Release the GOG Galaxy client for linux"

Well, once you get those votes out of the way it is not that hard to see the truth in Gog's claim that "the most requested feature is to sell DRMed games through Galaxy". They just sent someone in person to ask Epic and discarded all other requests because they were unreliable.

Gersen: You didn't took the best example

On Wednesday, HSBC wrote to The Jerusalem Post about its divestment decision.

“HSBC’s decision ... was not the result of campaigning by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
Please don't tell me you really believe a PR drone. That is one guy that is paid to lie as much as he can, if those lies will help the company pretend they are not guilty of something. There is a common joke about lawyers that says you can know when a lawyer is lying by checking if their lips are moving. PR employees of big companies are made of the same stuff.

Of course HSBC claimed they totally already wanted to do the right thing independent of the external pressure. Do you really believe a bank invests in any company before vetting what that company does and what strategies they have going forward? If Elbit moved in that direction HSBC knew it long before their customers did.

Gersen: We will probably never know for sure but I doubt that a bank would stop this kind of contract because of 24k signature, not even from customers, but from a pressure group
Interestingly, a pressure group that probably are not even customers somehow convinced Gog to cancel Devotion's release. Go figure.
Post edited May 01, 2021 by joppo
low rated
B1tF1ghter: ...
Page 1 of general forum:
6 of the 14 first topics is about devotion.
While I have made several purchases earlier this year, I won't be purchasing anymore this year or possibly ever.
Same with Steam. So I sympathize with cause and say add me to the list if applicable.

P.S. This whole industry deserves a good kick in the rear. More painful, the better.
low rated
WeirdoGeek: Since I can now buy the game (in a place that 100% supports Red candle, no less!), I'm changing my boycott to heavy-sales for exclusive to GOG games only. Glad we won that part of the fight and I wish you fellas the best with the rest!
fronzelneekburm: U WOT M8?

Nobody won anything and gog are still the same craven cowards that don't deserve to have a single penny spent on them as before. If gog sold these games, it'd be different.
I see your point, but I personally see this as a BETTER outcome since we can now get the game in a way that 100% supports the small indie crew that made it instead of half the proceeds going to a publisher. Honestly, it's the way it should be since GOG wimped out and I don't see it getting released on this storefront now since this happened. I wasn't even mad that I had to make an account just to buy it! Also, I said this earlier but I just used GOG as my place for classic games before this debacle, now it's just going to be the classic games that aren't on Steam and are like 50% off.

Edit for TimeforTea: Since I can now buy the game (in a place that 100% supports Red candle, no less!), I'm changing my boycott to heavy-sales for exclusive to GOG games only. Glad we won that part of the fight and I wish you fellas the best with the rest!
Time4Tea: Sure, I can remove you from the boycott list. But, bear in mind the boycott is calling for Devotion to be released on GOG. As far as I am concerned, we haven't 'won that part of the fight' and there is no reason to let GOG off the hook, due to Red Candle taking matters into their own hands. Besides that there are several other items on the list.
Like I said, I'm only getting exclusives when they are on a big sale. Move me to the "sympathetic" section, please. Also, if it helps, I was never planning on getting Cyberpunk and I never meant to upset anybody. You've been a swell guy throughout this, Tea. I wish you all nothing but the best.
Post edited March 15, 2021 by WeirdoGeek
B1tF1ghter: ...
nightcraw1er.488: Page 1 of general forum:
6 of the 14 first topics is about devotion.
That's because Devotion was released today (on the Red Candle Store). I am sure there were more topics about CP2077 on December 10. It'll pass.
There are some alternatives out there, but people stick with this mentality that GOG is the only one.

But, if you want to make some hurt, make a game that will get alot of attention. Make one that GOG, Steam, etc will wish was on their platform, and reject them, publicly, including their requests. I have plenty of ideas if you need any.
I'm not actively boycotting GOG, but after a string of idiotic anti-consumer decisions (DRM creep, the whole Devotion fiasco etc.), I feel no enthusiasm for buying from them any longer. Most of my recent GOG 'purchases' have been freebies, and the other week I bought a game directly from Steam for the first time ever. I still much prefer to have DRM-free copies, and I'm certainly not under the illusion that Steam is any more consumer-friendly than GOG, but the point is that I'm no longer willing to wait months or years to see if a game I want will show up here. If all the stores are equally bad, I might as well go with the one that has more features, a larger user base and a better selection of games.
DebbieL: If all the stores are equally bad, I might as well go with the one that has more features, a larger user base and a better selection of games.
Well said!

I haven't made the jump yet, but I suspect I will be buying my first game in 12 years outside GOG sometime in 2021.
nightcraw1er.488: So is this Devotion the best game ever then? It seems to be almost all the posts on here (bots, spammers excluding) are about it? Looks to me like any other point and click walking sim.

For me there are thousands of points on this store for which there needs to be a boycot (only just the other day supporting streaming for instance).
B1tF1ghter: 1.Reread OP post if you don't remember it's not only about this game.
2.It isn't (at all) about whether you like the game or not. It's about principles. Nobody forces you to buy it or anything. But people don't want to be forced to NOT HAVE A CHOICE nor even POSSIBILITY to buy it.

GamezRanker: Well that link was more to everyone in the thread....sorry for not making that a tad more clear.
B1tF1ghter: I perfectly know and understand it was to everyone. I merely expressed my personal statement. I specificly used word "personally" at the start of the sentence to differentiate on that I DIDN'T see your post at directed at me speicificly ;)

Lodium: Not really
steam has also changed collors as times passed¨
You used to own the games on steam oncee upon a time
now youre just renting them for lifetime
So if steam ever goes down you can say goodbye to a lot of games you bougth over the years there.
B1tF1ghter: 1.At least Steam never pretended to be DRM-free only to show it's true colors.
2.It's been said many times in many places, and perhaps you didn't come across the info, Steam has some hidden functionality that would allow the existence and running all games "post Steam death" should that ever happen. I don't know what it is specificly (as I'm not in deep enough relations with Valve higher-ups for them to share info of THIS magnitude) so I can only speculate. But I personally have seen cvars for example controlling offline mode and doing things not officially said. So it is safe to assume your games wouldn't be actually "gone" or "unplayable" should "fall of Steam" ever happen ;)

nightcraw1er.488: Yes, I listed a load of issues out in post 60. Its just all I see in this topic and in other threads on the forum is about Devotion. Out of the thousand or so reasons Devotion is likely quite low (considering everywhere has been cesored or has been at some point (wolfy in DE for instance).
B1tF1ghter: If that's all you see then perhaps a rest is in order for you (no offense, I say it out of caring and NOT trying to insult you) because people DO talk about other aspects every few pages (it's just that "THE GAME" is on most lips most of the time, but that doesn't mean people don't discuss other points).

nightcraw1er.488: If you think free speech exits now, or has done for quite sometime, then you want to check out anything on the internet. Free speech died with the internet, as did privacy.
B1tF1ghter: Privacy never died. It's just that most people stopped caring. You can still have it if you WANT TO. Of course it doesn't come cheap. You will have to make compromises. But don't pretend it doesn't exist as that would put you in position of being seen as extreme ingornat or extremely uninformed.

As for free speech:
Please don't generalize SO MUCH.

Lifthrasil: It's only a matter of time until GOG and Steam ate indistinguishable, except by size
B1tF1ghter: Don't forget functionality coverage. If GOG cannot be bothered to even fix their attrocious forum CMS then it does speak loads about their attitude to platform quality.

Vendor-Lazarus: Is steam upfront about what DRM any one game have?
B1tF1ghter: Except for occasional mishaps (as the store pages are maintained BY PUBLISHERS generally with rare interventions from Valve [I do know that for a fact from talks with "higher than customer support" people]), yes, it is.
It states per game page if game has for example Denuvo. DRM-free games aren't unfortunatelly marked as such.
But generally, to some irony, Steam has far more clarity in that regard than GOG (GOG pretends like certain games it distributes DON'T contain DRM when they DO, while Steam states these things clearly except for when developer screws up the product card page).

Vendor-Lazarus: Are they upfront about their deals with China?
B1tF1ghter: Afaik there were public statements about that, and if not then there is still data for grabs from semi-official gathering. So I guess, yes?

Vendor-Lazarus: Are they upfront their "games as a service" part?
B1tF1ghter: It is stated in the TOS so yes.

Vendor-Lazarus: So, convenience over principles?
B1tF1ghter: No. Reread what was said.
If GOG looses it's core point of being DRM-free (the ONLY selling point for A LOT of us here) then at that point we may as well use Steam (those who don't already) as it has far more games, and in fact it may very well have far more DRM-free games than GOG.

Gersen: Let's not forget about the whole "we will allow ‘everything’ on Steam as long as it isn’t illegal or ‘trolling’" promise not to long ago that turned out to be pure BS as a couple of weeks later they went on a censoring spree removing or censoring games (mostly Japanese ones) including some that had been sold without issues for months. And they still continue to do so today.
B1tF1ghter: I'm not defending them here or anything. But generally speaking we shouldn't be making assumptions without access to official reasons given to the developers in question (which are almost never shared to the public). There is rather high possibility some of those games breached Steam's content policy (Steam doesn't ACTUALLY allow "everything unless it's illegal". They DO have content guidelances).
Steam have not spoken about beeing a drm free store like gog in that sense that is true
But they have indeed spoken about that you have ownership of your games that you bougth on their platform once upon a time.
So the wording isnt that diffrent imo.

Regerding funtionality to be able to play all the games on steam
if steam ever goes down
This is just bullshit and pr speak
Final Fantasy 7 Had for a long time an online check to be able to play the damn game on steam
im not kidding

And steams tos you can stick up in your arse
New tos contracts do not overide the previous ones
and they do not overwrite basic human rigths.
like ownership of games for instance
But steam does this time and time again
To be able to use their client youre bassicly forced to sign the new tos they come up with.
You can maybe avoid it if you only play your old games and dont sign the new ones but if you want to play with your friends in a multiplayer game with cosmetics microtransactions?
Forget it
even if you bougth that game before the new tos you have to sign the new tos to be able to play with others in alot of cases.
Heck they have even been dragged to court over consumer practices
so dont tell me the tos overides all and consumer rigsts and basic human rigtsh doesnt matter at all.

Dont get me wrong
i migth buy from steam regardless even if they are just as bad as gog when i t comes to consumer practices
but at least they have more features
and a bigger user base
and also because gog has lost the thouch that made them unique

But i stil woud like to own my games and not just renting them for a lifetime and maybe waking up one day discovering my digital libary on steam is gone
so i migth buy a game or two here still, like i do with humble bundle and other game stores occassionally.
Post edited March 16, 2021 by Lodium
low rated
Lodium: ...
Someone already debunked this by posting some links and, at least in EU, confirms that you own Steam games.

Also that there are mechanism in place, should ever Steam disappear, to let people play their game without on line
Not fully sure about this.
Lodium: ...
OldOldGamer: Someone already debunked this by posting some links and, at least in EU, confirms that you own Steam games.

Also that there are mechanism in place, should ever Steam disappear, to let people play their game without on line
Not fully sure about this.
Bull shit again
I just pointed out the case with final fantasy 7
Was impossible for me to play it withouth internet connection even though i had bougth the damn game trho steam
It was steam that have sold me the game
they shoud be responsible to let me play it since its they that are allowibng drm games in their store but they are not
they are pushing the resposibilty on Square Enix or others if they can

Yes i know that Eu says you own the games but it doesnt work like that in practice
Post edited March 16, 2021 by Lodium
OldOldGamer: Also that there are mechanism in place, should ever Steam disappear, to let people play their game without on line
Not fully sure about this.
There is not, it was mentioned by Gabe in a interview years ago at the very beginning of Steam when the only games there were Valve own ones, it hasn't ever been mentioned officially since, only peoples quoting this one interview.

Not to mention that from a legal point of view it is extremely unlikely that rights owner would let them remove DRM from their games without their authorization.