Breja: I'm happy to ignore the present sale for example in favor of buying some comics
fronzelneekburm: Hell yeah, I went all physical again and spent a bunch of cash on some DVDs and Vinyls.
And you know what the best thing is? Unlike the trash I buy here, I can actually resell that stuff if I should ever grow tired of it!
Breja: I really do not for the life of me understand why people start identifying like this with coporate entities these days
fronzelneekburm: I do understand people's affection for OldGog to some extent. They did their damndest to
NOT come across as just another corporate entity. They had (what seemed like) a small team that were your pals and buddies and you'd know them all by name and they'd hang out with you on the forums and crack jokes and you'd have a great time together.
Nowadays it seems that the staff is actively at war with the userbase.
I can see it, I have been purchasing a hell of a lot more physical media in the last few months. I also know quite a few people that have been doing the same instead of making purchases here. Really is a headscratcher to think that GOG will not come out of this unscathed one way or another.
Trust has been eroding for years around here and they either do not see it or just do not care. Likewise the people still super gung-ho are stuck in the past with thoughts of how GOG used to be or arrived sometime after things started to fall apart. Some might even be addicted to need that daily dopamine fix and make purchases of games that they will never play due to their ever expanding backlog of titles.
As I have stated before, the community back then was an added reason to want to support GOG, at least for me. Management decisions over the years have turned a warm and friendly store front into something that is so very cold and corporate that it isn't even funny. I personally do not see things changing around here and there is indication that things can only get worse here on out... While it is disheartening to see, the writing was on the wall for years already.
They could turn things around by getting someone to liaison between the community and GOG, but I do not see that happening. They are far too set in their ways and all they care about anymore in how much cash is in their pockets, only fixing things when it is apparent that it will hurt their bottom line if something is left as is.
Sometimes I wish that they would just wake up and smell the hypocrisy as many statements that they have made in the past have aged as well as ham left in a freezer for 10+ years. However that hope will amount to nothing in the long run anyway as there just aren't enough people to make GOG scramble to make any changes.