I'm late for an update, so it will be a meaty update ^_^
The Fellowship of the Ring -
The Two Towers -
The Return of the King - J.R.R. Tolkien
Do I really need to introduce the author? Do I really need to explain the scenario? No, I don't think so, thank you. ^_^ But just to say that it was, it is still and it will probably ever be me favorite story ever. How many ties I've read them, I've lost track. How many times I wished I could live in the Middle-Earth instead of here and now, I've also lost track. As I've lost track of the hours I've sinked in the LOTRO MMORPG!
Condamner à mort au Moyen Âge - Claude Gauvard
Translated, the title would be something along "Sentencing to death in the Middle-ages". It is a solid academic work (non-fiction here) by one of the best french specialist of the Middle-Ages, in which she tells us how the death penalty was handled -or not- to convicted people, what meaning it had during the centuries and how this meaning evolved when the power of the king evolved. Not a very "funny" book, but really very interesting and well written. I hope this books has been or will be translated in other languages, it's worth a read, even if you don't have a PhD in Medieval History!
Les éléphants d'Hannibal - Robert Silverberg
Back to classic SF with one of the masters of the genre, in what is a collection of short stories with sometimes some insights from the author. The title remains in French because this collection is a French original and the same short stories haven't been collected like that in English for the moment.
Very good read. His style is very fluid and you can "enter" in the story immediately.
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
Like many gamers I think, I rushed to see that movie in theaters, especially because it was Spielberg (never heard of Ernest Cline before). Like many also, maybe, I was left with a strange taste in my mouth: everything for the show, no depth at all, nothing like Spielberg had accustomed me to do as a film director... Too many visual references and a spastic rythm, as if the film, the cast, the crew and the director were on a LSD trip...
Fast forward several months later, I get a copy of the book. Knowing very well there can be some big differences between a book and the movie that has been made from the book, sometimes, I give it a try.
Best decision ever! The book is really good, the characters "exist" and the whole thing is far more interesting even if still packed with cultural references from the 80s and the 90s. But that time, as it's a book, you actually have the time to acknowledge them and appreciate them. And the ending is far better, I think.
So far in 2019: