Warloch_Ahead: The phrase "eventually leads to death(!)" tickles me funny because life also eventually leads to death. The train's gotta stop some time.
That was my thought as well!
Warloch_Ahead: Pfft. You transhumanists and your immortality. How about I prolong my lifespan by genetically splicing cheetos into my DNA and arm my immune system with tiny lasers that kill off microbes that wander near, hmm? That way, I can live as a humanoid chemically enhanced lattice of cornmeal without fear! Is that what you want? To live as a giant cheeto?! HMM?!
Very good point. One could argue one aspect of life is to figure out how long one is comfortable living.
Telika: They live outside the USA. :-p
It's rather telling it's called the SAD diet. :D
I ended up learning to enjoy healthy food but it takes effort. One should take it in small steps, not quit cold turkey or you end up with the new years resolution syndrome. Then there is the social issue, it's better to time all around eating with other people so most of your meals can then be matched to less unhealthy food.