f1e: Evin If steam or ea or amazon goes out of business it's only because someone bigger and better got established and serves everybody and no one cares about steam or ea or amazon anymore. You think you'll care?
Why would I stop caring about the games I have, just because the store (or service) from which I originally bought them has closed down?
If you, say, bought a bunch of PS4 games from your local Mom's&Pop's Video Game store, and that store later closes down, does it mean you don't care about those PS4 games anymore, and you are willing to re-buy them all from some other, newer, store? Why?
f1e: And if you don't like being dependent on always-online internet think about how you put up with being dependent on always-online power grid.
First of all, you are incorrect. I can play games on e.g. my laptop, tablet or phone, without being constantly connected to the power grid. :^P
Anyway, the reason why I put up with video gaming needing electricity is simply because there is no other, even theoretical, choice. Computers and consoles simply NEED electricity in order to run, period. DRM, on the other hand, is not a necessity for the games to run. For single-player games, it is merely a nuisance to me, the consumer.
Another reason why I put up with electricity is because the games don't depend on certain kind of electricity which I can get only from certain power plant. If, say, the power plant where I get my electricity now closed down, fine, then I'd continue playing my games with electricity from some other power plant, or even get a generator or solar panel to generate me power. I don't have to rebuy all my games just because my electricity supplier changes.
Also you are a bit confused what people are complaining about regarding DRM. It is not so much internet itself, but that you are dependent on some service or server(s) out there, which happen to be on the internet. It is the same if I had to make some phone call to a certain phone number always when I want to play a game or watch a DVD movie I have. If that phone number ceased to exist, then I couldn't call them anymore in order to use the product I have bought, EVEN if I still had a working phone line.