darthspudius: Still to try out Starcraft 2. Those prices... ouch.
GlorFindel: Well, that's Blizzard alright! Their prices are not overrated from the beginning, but they keep them this way for long, very long and they have very rare discounts, so try to hit one since then games are 50% off!
For Example: I bought Diablo 3 on day one and it was 60 € and Reaper of Souls was 40 € and now D3 is 20 € but RoS is still 40 €
And old games are 10 € a piece (Diablo 2, LoD, WC3, WC3TFT) + SC:Anthology is 15 €
I know, Blizzard prices for old games are way too high, although their prices for newer ones are about right (£16.99 GBP for Sc2 WoL and the same for HotS. However, unfortunately, their prices for older games are worse (£14 for a 15 year old game, Diablo 2 + Reaper of souls which of course you have to buy separately so Blizzard gets as much of your money as possible, only exception is Starcraft + Expansion together for £10 which is still too high considering the game is 17 years old.) and sales are rare and when they do happen, the discount is max 50%, so they aren't havily discounted either.