Klumpen0815: Knock yourself out:
Starcraft -
http://www.wsgf.org/dr/starcraft Diablo 1 -
http://diablo1.ovh.org/hd/?download Diablo 2 -
http://www.moddb.com/games/diablo-2/downloads/d2multires-version-102 I agree, that those things should be made by such large companies for free by now and not sold like with Fallout 1+2 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I wonder how much of their "work" was actually community made, since those HD-hacks do exist for ages.
Crosmando: Believe me I've tried.
- That Diablo 1 HD mod afaik is essentially a recreation of the entire game using the graphics of the original (so a clone). I believe resolution in D1 is hardcoded.
- The Diablo 2 widescreen mod (last I checked) does not support the most recent version of the game. Also if you want to use it on battle.net you'll most likely be banned. Also it generally creates all sorts of instability, for example in widescreen mode the cinematics don't play.
- The Starcraft res mod is BROKEN for the single-player campaign, basically what happens is, if you get a voice transmission (like Jim Raynor etc saying something during a mission) it locks the mouse. Read up.
I've played with those too.
Finished Diablo 2 - LoD in widescreen via LAN with my ex-GF about 7 times, no problems at all, videos did work although of course you need to use the proper version of the game and not use the last update. I think there only was one update after this one. Hamachi is a solution for online multiplayer, battle.net is taboo of course, yes.
I'm aware of the bugs in the StarCraft hack and although it did only happen to me randomly, it was still too annoying at some point and I hoped someone would pick up the project.
I've got no problem with the cloning method in D1 though, it's the only way for some really old games, I guess.
I just wish they would have implemented a "classic" mode that doesn't have their other modifications in it and of course it lacks "Hellfire", which doesn't seem to be very popular anyway for some reason although I love it.
But there is work already done and Blizzard could just hire those people and let them finish their work, like what is currently happening to the guy making the upgrades for Turok 1+2, which is the guy that made PC versions of Doom: Absolution and started making an upgraded version of "Powerslave" by the way, which is on ice now thanks to his paid work on Turok.