It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

FrodoBaggins: "I don't like it, so you shouldn't use it" won't help anyone.
Many, MANY of us like IE11. Internet Explorer is brilliant for... exploring the internet.

And as I keep saying, other sites manage to work fine, so why not GOG?
I can't really find sympathy for users using old browers / outdated browsers or even weird non popular browsers. Web standards change far to much to provide full backwards compatibility, and at some point it's not worth targeting users that refuse to move on the newer and better technology.

If a site hasn't had a major redesign then yea, they probably support IE 11. But when doing a redesign, it's usually better to drop compatibility for old stuff, especially when IE usage isn't great anyway. Most people that use it are in corporations, not regular internet users. The most used browser is Chrome by a large margin, and most sites are tested with that in mind.

This is a good read:

EDIT: This design is bad though.
Post edited November 24, 2018 by user deleted
low rated
Typical GOG responses, and they say Steam community is bad. They are all the same, no difference at all.
The only difference between GOG and Steam communities, is that GOG think they are superior.
PixelBoy: You are the first person in years that I have seen to actually like IE in any way.
Cavalary: Here's a second for you then :)
I like my Windows 10 Microsoft Edge browser. It's my only browser these days. Does that count?
bonzer: I've read a few posts about different browsers here and I was wondering...

I use Chrome and my Home Page is Google. I've read a lot of posters talking about spying and tracking etc, my question is, if I don't have registered accounts with either of them, do I have have anything to worry about. I don't mind "targeted" ads as I usually just ignore them, and I am usually "Incognito" in Chrome anyway.

Thoughts anyone?

BTW, no GOG site problems from here..Win7 Chrome.
It doesn't matter what browser you use and in which mode you operate (e.g. invisible / incognito), information about your location, search requests (for ads and not only), your possible age and salary can still be obtained pretty easily. You don't need to worry that much if only you are not a public person. In my personal experience Chrome collected data about my applications and sent it somewhere for reasons unknown (probably to make my life better).

I highly recommend to abstain from using any social messengers on the same PC if you want to secure your personal data a bit better.
If you like Google's Chrome, but don't like all the tracking, try Chromium.

Download a "Stable" release - highlighted by green. Blue = Dev builds.
You can use Chrome's Extensions, such as ublock origin.

By the way, if you're on Chrome, I believe the bit that tracks you is in here

C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter

Where XXXXX = your Windows username.

Post edited November 25, 2018 by Fairfox
low rated
kaboro: Typical GOG responses, and they say Steam community is bad. They are all the same, no difference at all.
The only difference between GOG and Steam communities, is that GOG think they are superior.
Fairfox: salty af
True that, thank you for stating the obvious, lemme guess, next you will post that the sky is blue and chocolate chip cookies are good?
low rated

Post edited November 25, 2018 by Fairfox
toxicTom: LOL... IE is really for masochists and Edge is not much better... But it's really poor design if a site doesn't support all modern browsers. We're not talking about IE8 here (used to be relevant only a short time age because of the many XP machines in China).
IE11 isn't a modern browser, it's a "Life support" browser. There aren't to be any further feature updates, and bugfixes are on a case basis.

(There's a support article somewhere on the Microsoft website that explains this.)
Post edited November 24, 2018 by Darvond
FrodoBaggins: "I don't like it, so you shouldn't use it" won't help anyone.
Many, MANY of us like IE11. Internet Explorer is brilliant for... exploring the internet.

And as I keep saying, other sites manage to work fine, so why not GOG?
I'm sure there are some sites out there that still load in Netscape but that doesn't make it any less obsolete. The fact that some sites still work in IE11 is irrelevant, it's a dead browser (while it may be getting security patches, it's not being updated to keep up with new web technologies). As time moves on fewer and fewer sites will work.
I am not telling you you shouldn't like IE11, just insisting on using it is only going to restrict your web use more and more as time goes on.
I'm sure there were Netscape users in your position a few years after it was discontinued and I'm sure *many* sites still worked on it at that point, but not any more.
Latest IE11 was released on November 13, 2018, it is younger than two weeks old.

I know IE11 will never support fancy new features found in new websites, but GOG definitely do not need those fancy features.

IE11 is still default browser of Windows 8.1, and many GOG games are not compatible with Windows 10 yet.

That means, major customers of GOG still use Windows 8.1 or older OS, but GOG have abandoned them.
Cavalary: Here's a second for you then :)
TARFU: I like my Windows 10 Microsoft Edge browser. It's my only browser these days. Does that count?
Well that has some nice features.
Especially when it doesn't try to run scripts on locally saved web pages.

In case someone wants to experiment, save some script heavy web page (at least Fanatical is one of them), then try to open it locally. For some reason Opera and Firefox flash that page in a millisecond, and then try to redirect the page elsewhere. Edge actually shows that page as it was meant to be saved.

Whether that is a positive feature of Edge, or whether it's a sign that it treats scripts differently than most browsers, is another topic.

Either way, creating such script heavy sites that can't be even saved as normal web pages without problems is quite disturbing, and really points the blaming finger at Fanatical (and GOG, and others).
low rated
FrodoBaggins: But the browser shouldn't matter. Like I said, other sites work fine with IE11, so why not GOG?
Just like everything microsoft, IE has been poisoning internet since it hijacked it via preinstallation (like MS has hijacked PC market in days of DR/DOS). The actions are similar to DirectX and .doc, IE has been ignoring standards and pushing its own, requiring a lot of web developers to write code specifically for IE.

From commercial perspective, there was a lot of sense doing that, but none of these were beneficial to the community of users, of developers or ecosystem. So its still criminal.

After Firefox and Chrome (KDE KHTML->Webkit->Chrome) finally gained momentum and pushed IE from the market, IE still had hard time following standards since.

So if the website is broken, go ahead, fix your IE.

TARFU: I like my Windows 10 Microsoft Edge browser. It's my only browser these days. Does that count?
If you paint a can of crap with gold paint, its still crap inside.
Post edited November 24, 2018 by Lin545
Using firefox esr here site works fine, but the last time it didn't when they added the giveaway to witcher 3 concert video, so it was impossible to redeem and other things were broken so then somebody luckily suggested a portable app opera portable 36(only needed if you are a win xp user) and it worked to redeem it and also site wasn't broken.
Also now it again works with firefox esr since the giveaway went away, magicly fixing the site.
Kinda liked the old design better when we could easily redeem free games and the site wasn't broken, only good thing i see is how reviews look now with the verified owners.
Post edited November 24, 2018 by Fonzer
pds41: What browser are you using?
FrodoBaggins: IE11
Uhh, that's daring :)