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Hey what's up everyone? :D

it was my birthday last week, but I forgot to make a giveaway.

I have a key for Theme Hospital and a key for Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator

To enter you have to tell a doctor joke (no nasty shit though)

Another one is Way of the Samurai 3 - Deluxe Edition and I also have a key for Shadow Warrior Classic Complete (in case you don't have it from GOG freebie, check first)

To enter this one you have to watch a samurai movie and tell me how was it. "It sucked/rocked" is not enough, you need to be more descriptive lol :D. (Also, Kill Bill is not a samurai movie, I mean real period films). If you don't know any you can check these recommendations:

Sword of Doom (1966)
13 Assassins (2010)
Zatoichi (2003)
Red Beard (1965) (technically not a samurai movie, but it gets a pass for being great :D)
Seppuku (1962)
Yojimbo (1961)
The Twilight Samurai (2002)
Happy after Birthday. :)
Happy belated birthday!

I hope you had a happy birthday albeit the current situation.

I'm not in, but you might want to put an end date to the giveaway.
Happy Birthday!

Not in :) +1

Watched a lot of Kurosawa's samurai films. Favorite one is probably Yojimbo, but maybe I'm biased because the story was remade so many times (and I watched all of those before Yojimbo). Ronin are almost always more interesting as characters than typical samurai. On the other hand, 13 Assassins was also quite interesting. Don't remember much about it now, but I remember enjoying it immensely both times I watched it.

Sorry I can't be more expansive in my comments. Last time I re-watched one of these was 10 years ago. I rarely watch films anymore (and if I do, it's usually an animated film).
A belated happy birthday.

I'd like to be in for Way of the Samurai 3 - Deluxe Edition. And worry not, I've already watched all the samurai movies that you've put on the OP.

Hana - the Tale of a Reluctant Samurai - 2006 - Hirokazu Koreeda

This movie was the first and only foray to-date of Director Koreeda into a samurai period era. I consider him as the finest active Japanese director of this era. His movies are rarely about high class society or people in power, rather he dabbed on ordinary people and their daily struggles.

This is not chanbara, a movie where Samurai splashed enemies blood with ease . This is more a drama about samurai and how they forced to adapt in a changing society with a dash of black comedy and social criticism. Yes there will be duel and there will be blood, but not as we usually get.

The story uses a early 1700 Edo slum as a backdrop where Soza, played in a shy boyish manner is on a stalk searching a man who killed his father over a trivial manner. Knows nothing about the real world, time has dulled his spirit and weakened his not-so-good sword skill. After his monthly stipend from his clan stopped, he forced to make a living as a tutor for poor children in the area. but only after suffering from indignities, he then make up his mind
to act on his duty. But what will he do to his target, when he found out that the killer has put down his sword and settled as a manual labor with a family.

But one man revenge is petty compared to life in the slum. With grifter, street punk, disillusioned ronin and scavengers only cares on daily survives. The background characters are lively bunch, with added party from members from the famous 47 Ronin also hiding there plotting their own revenge. But they take care of each others. Koreeda always make sure that every character in his movies not just there but has their own color.

What is a Samurai's duty? Is it to filled vengeance over a dead father grunge? Is the 47 Ronin way to act is the right way to act on vengeance. Or is the samurai honor still relevant when dog are more privileged than men. Tokugawa era of peace and prosperity have little use for man who only good at is for killing other man.
Post edited May 06, 2020 by zlaywal
Happy birthday for last week!

I only know a few proctologist jokes.

They're not the best..... but they're right up there.

Edit : Not in - just really chuckle at that joke.
Post edited May 04, 2020 by Icinix
A late happy birthday.

I'd like to be in for Way of the Samurai, depending on whether you consider Blind Fury to fall under the acceptable term of a samurai film or not. Pending that, I'll either pull up something else or just back out entirely.

Edit, as promised in a later post:

I have a weird multi-level appreciation for Blind Fury. While yes, technically not a samurai film, it is an American take on one of the Zatoichi films. That said, it's still a pretty quality film. It's a film I originally saw as a young kid. My father and I tended to watch a lot of what most people would call "action trash of the '80s and '90s". Basically stuff with Sly, Arnie, the Muscles from Brussels, Segal, etc. So when I first saw this one, it was registered to me as a bit different than what I was used to. Here was Rutger Hauer as blind 'Nam vet Nick Parker, carrying around a sword and I'm just thinking after being so used to "break out the guns and the action never stops from that point on" that this guy is just going to get mowed down as soon as he tries to do anything. But, little did I fully grasp at the time, I was absolutely wrong. Flash forward to me in my mid-teenage years and I'm finding myself with the option to watch Blind Fury again. I think to myself at the time "I remember this!" and start to watch it. At this point, I'm more aware of things like the story the film is based on and I have a greater appreciation for Hauer's talents as an actor overall (among a cast of great actors in that film who, at this time I recognize right and left and just find myself smiling smugly thinking - damn, this film is amazing).

But, staying honorable to the rule of a samurai film, I'll add Sword of the Stranger. While true, it's an anime film, it's a damned good one. It's also one that, despite a critical piece of its plot revolving around immortality, never really goes into the ridiculousness that one might often find in anime or just animated films in general.

It follows the familiar Lone Wolf and Cub/etc. setup with its story overall (wandering ronin befriends young child, sets off on adventure) but it tells it so compellingly that it's so easy to forget that it's a format that gets done more often than one might realize (even in American cinema).

It's also, without making any high claim toward accuracy or anything, fairly grounded in reality with its approach to cultural clashes between the soldiers of the Ming dynasty and the samurai under the employ of a feudal lord. Where it stops being realistic, not to its detriment though, is the action sequences. My god... the glorious action sequences. The sword fights in this film are things that I wished were possible to pull off in live-action without the use of extensive CGI or grave bodily harm to actors and stunt teams. They really are a sight to behold.

I also love the score, which weirdly enough, is what I first heard before ever actually seeing the film. After first hearing it, I thought to myself "damn, that was so good that the actual film must be world rockingly good". After seeing it, I was glad to find I was not wrong in the slightest.

(Also, not to forget a critical part - thanks for hosting this giveaway. I didn't expect to get the opportunity to bring up Blind Fury outside of a Rutger Hauer memorial thread and any excuse I have to sing the praises of Sword of the Stranger is also welcomed)
Post edited May 05, 2020 by TheMonkofDestiny
Happy belated birthday.

Not in. +1
Happy birthday and +1

In for Theme Hospital

Idk if would be rude for someone, if is it, i would change it.

Patient: *Wake up*, Holy sh*t that fever was horrible, at least im better now.

Michael jackson: Are u ok?

Hope can win :)
Happy belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day! :)
(Not in, +1)
Happy birthday! :D

(Not in)
Happy Birthday !

Not in.
Happu late birbday!
Not in but hoping you had a great birthday.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy Birthday!

Not in, but thanks for the movie recommendations anyway. There are some true masterpieces there. :)