Tokyo_Bunny_8990: While it sucks for the writers and developers, Bioware is no longer the Bioware people loved who created the Mass Effect trilogy, KOTOR, and Dragon Age entries. It seems quite a few of the very capable directors have either left the company or have been promoted to the point where they arnt involved in game development.
It doesnt bode well for the rumored new Mass Effect to be honest.
Sure, nothing stays the same, but some of the folks now out of a job were at Bioware for eons, i mean, 14,19,20 years, that's a lot.
And, yeah, my expecctations for ME were already low, i can't see this having a positive impact.
wolfsite: With Electronic Arts, this is merely an inevitability, the graveyard is full of amazing development studios that have been strained to there limits, restructured, and then dismantled.
To be fair, nothing in Bioware's recent output says "amazing development studio", quite the opposite.