Luned: Nothing out of the new pool for me--- Wings! Remastered and Saints' Row 3.
Debating whether to get a refund on Saints' Row 3 or just convert it to a gift. Not my cup of tea.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: You really gonna love this game mate, give it a chance.
Any video game involving car racing tends to make me motion sick. Plus I don't like using controllers (they hurt my hands), and this doesn't look like it will work well with mouse + keyboard. Will check with the husband to see if he's interested, otherwise it'll be refunded or given away to someone who will be able to enjoy it.
IAmSinistar: Man, MIND: Path to Thalamus Enhanced Edition, Technobabylon, and Star Ruler 2. They are throwing a lot of good games into this last round.
....must not try again, I'll get Aquaria that I already own....must resist....