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[GIVEN] Divine Divinity
Post edited December 07, 2015 by nicode
low rated
Like everybody
WANT - Blackguard Special Edition
Mostly i will not get it :)))
[WANT] Blackguards

[GOT] Banished - A big thanks to Mangauser
[Want] Blackguards

Will have a Anodyne, Airline Tycoon Deluxe, and Brutal Legend to offer if GOG gives me gift codes for my mystery game buys.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by kblazer883
[WANT] Divine Divinity
Guys, if anybody has a spare key for Divine Divinity, PM me so we can work something out, since i am dying to play it.
Reminds me kinda of Baldurs Gate, with a tasty, sugary Diablo cotting xD.
And btw, i have a spare System Shock 2 key.Just PM me.Cheers and happy Winter sale.
[WANT] Blackguards, I hope someone will have a spare copy.
[WANT] Xenonauts.

Oh, wait, wrong sale :)
[GOT] Divine Divinity

Thanks to cutterjohn
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Fonzer
kblazer883: [Want] Banished
[GIVEN] Banished
Post edited December 04, 2015 by ValamirCleaver
high rated

[SENT] System Shock 2
edit: to Zchinque
Post edited December 03, 2015 by TheMonkofDestiny
[WANT] Blackguards
[WANT] Divine Divinity
[GOT] Banished
Post edited December 03, 2015 by EPurpl3
Is it so that these codes expire in not-that-long?

If that is the case I
[have received] System Shock 2

with the understanding that it won't be played soon, and might not be played at all.

I figured I'd rather let people keep their codes for tradebait, but if they do expire - and currently there seem to be codes aplenty - I might as well grab one. Cheers.

Received. Thank you, TheMonkofDestiny!
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Zchinque
Hmmm, seems that I don't have Divinity . . . thought I did.

I'll take a copy of this for anyone wanting to dump theirs - not seeing anything I want to buy (yet) that would get me a copy at the moment.

[GOT] Divinity - thanks to eiii :)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by wanderer_27
high rated
[Have] Battle Realms + Winter of the Wolf
[Have] Inquisitor
[Given] Agarest: Generations of War
Post edited December 07, 2015 by torvuseremita
Zchinque: Is it so that these codes expire in not-that-long?

If that is the case I
[Would not mind] System Shock 2

with the understanding that it won't be played soon, and might not be played at all.

I figured I'd rather let people keep their codes for tradebait, but if they do expire - and currently there seem to be codes aplenty - I might as well grab one. Cheers.
Sent you a chat message.