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Have System Shock 2 and Divine Divinity.
[HAVE] Divine Divinity
Everything MUST go!

And by everything I mean Syste Shock 2 and Chronicles of Riddick.
I would help you with riddick!
[Have] System Shock 2 (till the 15th at least)

[Would like] Simcity 4
Chisaku: [GIVEN]
Divine Divinity to theLittleGnome
King of Dragon Pass, Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, Cannon Fodder 2 (these three are in one code) to jaslow876
2 x Hotline Miami to RED_NOSED and POOKAMUSTARD

I'm all out, sorry to those that were left without! Hope you enjoy~
Thank you Chisaku
[RECEIVED] Riddick (thanks, Ralack)
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Divine Divinity
System Shock™ 2

Some of these codes need a good home very, very soon! I'll be using some the very least, the more valuable codes will go to those with some minimum level of community participation unless there are no other takers, or God forbid, the 15th is arriving...

And by minimum level of participation...the bar isn't very high.
I don't think you are a scammer; you don't constantly beg for games; and you have participated elsewhere...
Post edited December 13, 2015 by RWarehall
RWarehall: [HAVE]
Blackguards Special Edition
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Divine Divinity
System Shock™ 2

Some of these codes need a good home very, very soon! I'll be using some the very least, the more valuable codes will go to those with some minimum level of community participation unless there are no other takers, or God forbid, the 15th is arriving...
I would love to have (and play, duh) Blackguards, if you would be so kind :)
Could I have banished ?:o please
armitom: I would love to have (and play, duh) Blackguards, if you would be so kind :)
RWarehall: [HAVE]
Blackguards Special Edition
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Divine Divinity
System Shock™ 2

Some of these codes need a good home very, very soon! I'll be using some the very least, the more valuable codes will go to those with some minimum level of community participation unless there are no other takers, or God forbid, the 15th is arriving...
banished still avaliable?
RWarehall: [HAVE]
Blackguards Special Edition
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Divine Divinity
System Shock™ 2

Some of these codes need a good home very, very soon! I'll be using some the very least, the more valuable codes will go to those with some minimum level of community participation unless there are no other takers, or God forbid, the 15th is arriving...
Count me in for Blackguards but it's ok if I can't and you think I don't have enough participation in the forums. Thanks for your generous attitude.. too many game codes! +1
armitom: I would love to have (and play, duh) Blackguards, if you would be so kind :)
RWarehall: Sent.
[GOT] Blackguards

Thanks RWarehall, it is appreciated!
Post edited December 13, 2015 by armitom
Nordrian: Could I have banished ?:o please