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I have Divine Divinity to give away, also I think it wins the award for most redundant video game title.
edit: Just gave it to yellow_wolf
Post edited December 03, 2015 by JustRigo
wolfsrain: If there are no others people wanting it, any chance for Sim City 4?!

Thanks for your generosity in any case.
PookaMustard: Umm, I'm sorry to say that there IS a person wanting it, called PookaMustard. I think he's a weird wizard :/

Not that I'm saying you shouldn't have a chance for it, but I just wanted to correct the part where you said nobody else wants it. That said, do keep your request active.
No biggie. Sorry that i missed your post though. Will have other chances to get it when discounted (hopefully:))
wolfsrain: No biggie. Sorry that i missed your post though. Will have other chances to get it when discounted (hopefully:))
Who knows? Maybe he'll do a roulette and choose you over me. The possibilities are endless, so keep your chance active.
JustRigo: I have Divine Divinity to give away, also I think it wins the award for most redundant video game title.
true, but thats probably because everyone already bought it.
i had it aswell.
PookaMustard: Umm, I'm sorry to say that there IS a person wanting it, called PookaMustard. I think he's a weird wizard :/
I think he's a frog, with a Santa hat.
EPurpl3: [WANT] Blackguards
[WANT] Divine Divinity

Can i have it please? :D
pearnon: Check your chat. No need to try to wrest it from kblazer ;)
Thank you very much, i own you one :D
DampSquib: Have - Blackguards
Divine Divinity
yellow_wolf: Can i have Blackhuards please ?
Thank you
Yup, check chat.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by DampSquib
PookaMustard: Umm, I'm sorry to say that there IS a person wanting it, called PookaMustard. I think he's a weird wizard :/
DubConqueror: I think he's a frog, with a Santa hat.
I thought he was an evil sinister human wearing a wizard hat and a Christmas hat on the top... :/
[GOT] System Shock 2
[GOT] Divine Divinity

the 'want' part seem so uncomfortable, like stealing a cookie or candy

christmas magic, and its not even christmas yet
Post edited December 03, 2015 by staruszek
System Shock 2

Divine Divinity


staruszek: [WANT] System Shock 2
[WANT] Divine Divinity

the 'want' part seem so uncomfortable, like stealing a cookie or candy
Oh, my goodness. Are you still here? Do you still want SS2?
Post edited December 04, 2015 by Incognita97
staruszek: [WANT] System Shock 2
[WANT] Divine Divinity

the 'want' part seem so uncomfortable, like stealing a cookie or candy
Sent Divine Divinity.
[GIVEN] Blackguards Special Edition
Post edited December 03, 2015 by hafizadam
hafizadam: [HAVE] Blackguards Special Edition
May i have it please?
[Have] Battle Realms & Winter of the Wolf

[Received] Blackguards Special Edition
big thanks to hummer010
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Klumpen0815
EPurpl3: May i have it please?
Sent :)