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Herzlich Willkommen! goes German. Not completely, mind you, but starting today we'll be spreading our DRM-free love in one more language. Whether you're here because of the news, or you've been with us for a while, here is what we're doing to make our German speaking friends feel a little more welcome on

-A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom of every page.
-A German corner of our forums. Your home away from home.
-German customer support. If you're more comfortable talking to us in your native language.
-More games in German. We're rolling out 25+ German localisations for our games today, bringing the total up to 350+.

No big announcement would be complete without a huge sale! This weekend we're holding the German-riffic <span class="bold">Herzlich Willkommen!</span> promo. The highlight is a ridiculous 97% off Deponia, but there are over 25 other German gaming hits available as well. There is adventuring with the remaining Deponia games, the cult strategy of The Settlers, the tough and turn-based tactics in Blackguards 1 and 2, and many, many more feats of German game design.

Check out <span class="bold">the weekend promo page</span> to see the full lineup. The promo will last until Tuesday, March 3, at 4:59 AM GMT.

Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves.
Post edited February 27, 2015 by Chamb
The german localizations of Phantasmagoria 1 + 2, pretty please?

They're sooo bad... I love it.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by Ning
Cool. And a nice promo. I think I'll finally pick up the Deponias as well as the Japanese stuff DLC for Omerta.
Everybody get Deponia! All the Deponias! Everybody! I'm still holding out hope for Deponia 4, so come on- the more Deponias sold, the better the chance for another game.
a german subforum: Just like the French one, it's a waste of space and work. Now I demand a dutch subforum!
Happy to see more localizations for games ! Great work as ususal GOG :D

There's only this little concern about censored versions that some others raised up : will this change something for german buyers ? Will there be censored versions of some games for germans ?
I hope not, it wouldn't be nice for german people (and a sad thing in general for GOG).

But, it's still a great news :) And I hope more localizations will come soon !

Edit : And thanks for the great promo ! (and the big week-end ^^)
Post edited February 26, 2015 by Splatsch
Any chance of getting the german audio version of Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive in the future?
JudasIscariot: UFO series
Please don't use this phrase... It's reserved for games you do not (YET) have :-D

BTW - Excellent job with adding more German versions of games.
JudasIscariot: UFO series
tburger: Please don't use this phrase... It's reserved for games you do not (YET) have :-D

BTW - Excellent job with adding more German versions of games.
So the three UFO games we have here are not a series, then? Referring to, for example,
Rolodzeo: Nice work gog, and congrats to our fellow german users!!!

Maybe spanish next? :P
Would be lovely, but then GOG would be automatically forced to add some Gaelco games :P
lukaszthegreat: Can we still mention the War?
and the rest ?

nope we cant |:D

btw which one? theres dozens

if you look back i guess almost anyone had a war with some one ....(google results)

Northern Wars Spanish Succession Quadruple Alliance Polish Succession Austrian Succession
Seven Years War American Revolution French Revolution Napoleonic Wars War of 1812
Revolutions of 1830 Mexican-American Revolutions of 1848 Crimean War Italian Unification
American Civil War Paraguay War Austro-Prussian War Franco-Prussian War Pacific War
Spanish-American Anglo-Boer War Boxer Rebellion Russo-Japanese War Balkan Wars
First World War Russian Civil War Second World War Cold War Korean War

.................... etc etc etc

so no need to bring up wars
k1bell: So the Blitzkrieg has started.
very funny.....

thats behind us now......
cause with all the shits going on now, we need everyone in europe
the us are already buddies of europe :D

moonshineshadow: I am curious how the gog website decides what language to appear in. Because mine changed to German (already changed it back to English). So it appears everyone in Switzerland gets it set to German to begin with or how does it work? Because I am living in the French part of Switzerland, so I could have understood a switch to French but German does not make much sense :D
maybe it got set usin some geographical location using ip adress form i guess?

they say every country can be identified by the ip.....
i am not talking about users using stealth proxies ofcourse or VPN :D

WildHobgoblin: Sure, and "Wie geht's dir?" translates to "How art thou?"
Since when does "you" not translate to du, Sie, ihr, euch, man etc depending on context?
GhettoLevis: "Since when does it" would be the better question. Like i said, it's not used anymore.

Here, some info:

I've had this discussion so many times... first time was with my english teacher. We went to the teachers lounge where she pulled out a big tome 'o english (that was way before schools in austria had internet access), opened up the page that had the translation for the word "thou", silently said "oh..." and never doubted me again.
thou reminds me of that bible stuff : THOU shall not steal..... THOU shall not.....

yea right ..... those guys in white robes had a way of saying, thou this and thou that, but it never worked :D
Post edited February 26, 2015 by gamesfreak64
RetroRaven: As long as you don't force us via GeoLocation to buy german cut versions like Steam, much appreciated ;)
If GOG are giving you the opportunity to download a German copy of a cut game in German, would that not have to be a cut version anyway?
Although I guess you can always still download the other languages. I have often wondered about this.
RadonGOG: Anyways, the translation is doomed!
"You" doesn´t translate to "du" in general, it translates to "Sie", a common translation error!
It's not a translation error, it's a translation issue. There is no correct formula for translations, you always have to consider the cultural and situational context when you translate something, and the thing with "you", "du" and "Sie" is a real mess, always open for subjective interpretation. A GOG website calling me "Sie" wouldn't be the same as the one calling me "you". Another reason why I prefer to use English on the internet. ;)
A german language pack for the SMAC Planetary Pack would have been nice though - just for the nostalgia. :-)

But as for me, especially the ones for the Settlers series should do it for now, nice!

Zum Wohl!
RadonGOG: That´s why I were so clever to write "doesn´t translate to "du" in general", as you do need a special reason to translate "you" to "du" :D :D :D
Ooops! Sorry! I did not see that :D

Interesting. I never heard about such a case before, so thanks for pointing that out
lukaszthegreat: Can we still mention the War?
ignisferroque: War? There was no war. :D

it was one bad dude, that dude managed to get some more bad dudes or wannabe baddudes that started that crap....