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Herzlich Willkommen! goes German. Not completely, mind you, but starting today we'll be spreading our DRM-free love in one more language. Whether you're here because of the news, or you've been with us for a while, here is what we're doing to make our German speaking friends feel a little more welcome on

-A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom of every page.
-A German corner of our forums. Your home away from home.
-German customer support. If you're more comfortable talking to us in your native language.
-More games in German. We're rolling out 25+ German localisations for our games today, bringing the total up to 350+.

No big announcement would be complete without a huge sale! This weekend we're holding the German-riffic <span class="bold">Herzlich Willkommen!</span> promo. The highlight is a ridiculous 97% off Deponia, but there are over 25 other German gaming hits available as well. There is adventuring with the remaining Deponia games, the cult strategy of The Settlers, the tough and turn-based tactics in Blackguards 1 and 2, and many, many more feats of German game design.

Check out <span class="bold">the weekend promo page</span> to see the full lineup. The promo will last until Tuesday, March 3, at 4:59 AM GMT.

Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves.
Post edited February 27, 2015 by Chamb
0Grapher: What do you mean by that? How do you get the localisations? Are you implying that the games will be unavailable soon?
This is a thread announcing the addition of the German language to the GOG site, along with the addition of the German language in a number of games, therefore he wants the German language for the Thief games, which are currently available only in English.
Post edited March 01, 2015 by Grargar
Grargar: This is a thread announcing the addition of the German language to the GOG site, along with the addition of the German language in a number games, therefore he wants the German language for the Thief games, which are currently available only in English.
Thank you for explaining that to me. In that case I would have addressed GoG in my post and would have clarified that I was referring to a language version (as opposed to a censored version for example).
I do not think it is obvious what you are suggesting, hypahypahanswurst.
hypahypahanswurs: get the german localisations of thief 1 and 2! NOW
Post edited March 01, 2015 by 0Grapher
high rated
mkess: Zensur ist in meinen Augen Schlimmer als DRM. Deshalb verstehe ich nicht, warum Andere das nicht ebenfalls so empfinden, und sich dagegen wehren.
if you really want to take such a principal stand against censorship, stop argueing against GOG. They are not the problem. They didn't invent this. Instead look around you. At the kind of society you live, the kind of politicians we elect again and again, the kind of laws that get passed again and again with virtually no public resistance. Here you should apply your anger and moral outrage.
Finding the first loophole in the german censorship machine and order from abroad is definitely very convienent. But it also means ignoring the problem back home.
As long as you only care about your personal (censor-free) gaming experience - fine, go complaining about the regional restrictions at gog/steam/etc.
But when you start argueing with moral principles, ethics and stuff - you better take a real good look where the actual problem is.

I don't recall that there ever even was sort of a public discussion about the ridiculous banning of nazi symbols in computer games, while every cheap action movie can have them. Or going further and discussing if banning just symbols is really such a clever idea at all?
Ich bin heute nicht vorbereitet.
ok, GOG. Jetzt wollen wir nur noch Commandos zurück. Die Nazi Kreuze kann man ersetzen. Siehe RTC Wolfenstein. Danke!

hier ein netter Artikel über GOG's "Schatzsuche". Auf der Suche nach den Rechteinhabern und wie toll die Fans sind.
Post edited March 01, 2015 by VeganRene
VeganRene: ok, GOG. Jetzt wollen wir nur noch Commandos zurück. Die Nazi Kreuze kann man ersetzen. Siehe RTC Wolfenstein. Danke!
GOG can't change stuff in the game files. They're just a store and not the developers.

GOG can nichts in den Spieldateien verändern. Sie sind bloß ein Shop und nicht der Entwickler.
high rated
News should've been reworded: YAY Region Locks come to!!! Aren't you excited and want to spend money in our store???

Well. No.

Not really.

region locks suck. drm sucks and region locks are a kind of drm. stay classy gog or i'll switch to steam as well. no need to keep holding on to my principles if it means i'd have to stop playing games.
I seriously don't understand why GoG did exclude the community from the recent decisions, even if they'd run into legal troubles (which I really doubted as long as they didn't specifically target the German market), there'd probably been a way to gather funds for proper legal services via donations, even after the whole regional pricing fiasco which is still going to this day and will continue. It's as if the former rebel has just given up and has been assimilated by the market and continues to go down the drain. I don't believe, that the positive vibrations created by the Disney and WB launch were not intentionally placed right before the silent introduction of USK and regional locks either.
I wouldn't even have noticed without MaGog's log for 23 February.

I sincerely hope, that they try to keep at least some of their old customers, there is a will, but things sure are looking grim.
Post edited March 01, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: I seriously don't understand why GoG did exclude the community from the recent decisions, even if they'd run into legal troubles (which I really doubted as long as they didn't specifically target the German market), there'd probably been a way to gather funds for proper legal services via donations, even after the whole regional pricing fiasco which is still going to this day and will continue. It's as if the former rebel has just given up and has been assimilated by the market and continues to go down the drain. I don't believe, that the positive vibrations created by the Disney and WB launch were not intentionally placed right before the silent introduction of USK and regional locks either.
I wouldn't even have noticed without MaGog's log for 23 February.

I sincerely hope, that they try to keep at least some of their old customers, there is a will, but things sure are looking grim.
How many major decisions didn't they exclude the community from until after the fact recently?
And "as if"? That's a given...
And like I said before, their old customers are too few for their more recent ambitions and that sort of stable core audience can be sacrificed in exchange for the temporary attention of a part of the ever more fickle general masses. As in, you know, exactly the opposite of what they were saying in that conference from the summer of 2013.
low rated
MarkoH01: ... No, there is not. This law (no swastikas in games) is just plain stupid and does not have any real reason. It does not protect anybody and it does not prevent crimes or anything it just wants everybody to remember that the Germans ones where very baaaaad people and I am so sick of it!
Yes there is. It's not stupid but using swastikas is stupid. Whoever needs them might as well be a retarded Nazi and the law will prevent a good deal of distribution and trivialization of very, very stupid ideas. The day Nazis are marching again in the streets of Germany showing these precious symbols you'll know why the ban was there. And of course the Germans (many if not most of them) were very bad people - who would want to deny it? I can understand that you do not want to be reminded of that, but then nobody really forces you to memorize anything with some very small exceptions (when wanting to buy some censored video games). Video games are surely not the primary target of this law, kind of a grey area, but if the makers of Commandos aren't able to produce a censored version which can be offered here, they are simply incapable. So, as long as the law exists, GOG should comply with it and people should rally to abolish or support it. That's the only possible way.
Whoa, I was offline for a few days and I see a big thing happened here. And sadly, it's not something I'm happy about... At least at first glance it looks pretty bad.
MarkoH01: ... No, there is not. This law (no swastikas in games) is just plain stupid and does not have any real reason. It does not protect anybody and it does not prevent crimes or anything it just wants everybody to remember that the Germans ones where very baaaaad people and I am so sick of it!
Trilarion: Yes there is. It's not stupid but using swastikas is stupid. Whoever needs them might as well be a retarded Nazi and the law will prevent a good deal of distribution and trivialization of very, very stupid ideas. The day Nazis are marching again in the streets of Germany showing these precious symbols you'll know why the ban was there. And of course the Germans (many if not most of them) were very bad people - who would want to deny it? I can understand that you do not want to be reminded of that, but then nobody really forces you to memorize anything with some very small exceptions (when wanting to buy some censored video games). Video games are surely not the primary target of this law, kind of a grey area, but if the makers of Commandos aren't able to produce a censored version which can be offered here, they are simply incapable. So, as long as the law exists, GOG should comply with it and people should rally to abolish or support it. That's the only possible way.
There is a censored version of Commandos but you only had to change the locale of Windows 95/98 to USA and you had swastikas all around.

If a Nazi-like group rises to power I doubt they care about a few forbidden symbols when they are planning genocide. Like most laws that ban or restrict thinks mostly people who want to stay legal are affected.
(Example: Want to legally get a gun for hunting? Get all the licenses you need and fullfill all the other requiements.
Want to illegally get a gun for murder? Just know where to buy it.)
Post edited March 01, 2015 by Dotur
Many will like this but for me it's not necessary at all. I play my games only in English and continue to do so because it is an easy way to improve my language skills and it is mostly much more funny.
To get English games was the reason why I signed up on GOG in the first place (besides DRM freedom).
VeganRene: ok, GOG. Jetzt wollen wir nur noch Commandos zurück. Die Nazi Kreuze kann man ersetzen. Siehe RTC Wolfenstein. Danke!
real.geizterfahr: GOG can't change stuff in the game files. They're just a store and not the developers.

GOG can nichts in den Spieldateien verändern. Sie sind bloß ein Shop und nicht der Entwickler.
Please read the gamestar article and you know more about gog. They crack the games, do reverse engeneering, delete bugs and playing the games complete. Play some games on mac und linux too. There is a "Break-Team" and a "Fix-Team".
Post edited March 02, 2015 by VeganRene