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Herzlich Willkommen! goes German. Not completely, mind you, but starting today we'll be spreading our DRM-free love in one more language. Whether you're here because of the news, or you've been with us for a while, here is what we're doing to make our German speaking friends feel a little more welcome on

-A German version of our website. You can change your language using the drop-down menu towards the bottom of every page.
-A German corner of our forums. Your home away from home.
-German customer support. If you're more comfortable talking to us in your native language.
-More games in German. We're rolling out 25+ German localisations for our games today, bringing the total up to 350+.

No big announcement would be complete without a huge sale! This weekend we're holding the German-riffic <span class="bold">Herzlich Willkommen!</span> promo. The highlight is a ridiculous 97% off Deponia, but there are over 25 other German gaming hits available as well. There is adventuring with the remaining Deponia games, the cult strategy of The Settlers, the tough and turn-based tactics in Blackguards 1 and 2, and many, many more feats of German game design.

Check out <span class="bold">the weekend promo page</span> to see the full lineup. The promo will last until Tuesday, March 3, at 4:59 AM GMT.

Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves.
Post edited February 27, 2015 by Chamb
SixDollarMan: Ich kann die folgenden beiden Spiele nicht mehr im Spielekatalog finden:

Blood Rayne
Blood Rayne 2
Piranjade: Für mich erscheinen beide noch:
Danke. Vielleicht ist es auch ein Bug im Suchsystem.
So, has the real shitstorm already begun or will the press stay low?
They had time to prepare thanks to the Australian fiasco with Hotline Miami 2 yesterday.
Ciris: We've updated this post with information about the locked games.

Update text:

"Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves."
Besser spät als nie. Danke!
Klumpen0815: Bookmarked, thanks.
I'm looking for alternatives now, Shinyloot is the first one (just have to mind the DRM-free sticker).
FireFlower Games is a small but growing shop, and I believe all their titles are DRM-free. They carry a number of games that I have not found elsewhere. And they are flat priced, though they use the euro price as a the baseline.
Gogland über alles!
tfishell: The regional pricing thing worked okay for me as people got compensation and anybody could buy the games. This, though, is making me ... well, not 100% sure what to think, but I think GOG is going to lose some future sales from me to Shinyloot, DotEmu, and Amazon/eBay.
Eh, they're just looking at what they can gain in this war for the ever more fickle mass audience, they "outgrew" their core customer base and no longer care if they lose those people as long as they can nab the next little sales rush from here and there.

But, yeah, we had "good news" new and big titles, preorders and 0-day releases, only, er, regional pricing for a select few of them. Then we had "good news" multiple currencies, only, er, regional pricing applying to a good part of the catalog, including games available flat-priced elsewhere and even games that used to be flat-priced till then here too. And now we have "good news" multiple languages, only, er, region locks.
Wouldn't want to be the guy over at GOG tasked with coming up with the next "carrot" to throw at users whenever the higher ups decide some more crap will get implemented and it needs to be disquised somehow...
Lol, "Herzlich Willkommen, as a welcome gift we unnecessarily apply german censorship to our not german website"

And I will apply my money to sites that don't do that shit in the future.

It's only a crime if a german seller sells a banned game inside germany, everyone in germany over 18 can LEGALLY import banned retail games for own use from foreign online stores, shoudln't that apply to non-german digital distributor's as well?
Sorry for disturbing the party, but first you force Euros to me although Euros are not my local currency, now you force German language to me although my browser preferences are clearly set to English as language ...

Please GOG, respect the browser settings and stop forcing that IP Geo location crap on us so that I don't have to switch currency and now even language every time I visit your web site!
avatar -More games in German. We're rolling out 25+ German localisations for our games today, bringing the total up to 350+.
Thanks for adding some more German language packs to the GOG games!

But I would have preferred to focus on bringing more German support to the games instead of (partially) translating a web page which is easily enough understandable in English. Even a lot of games which have been produced with German as their primary language still lack German support here on GOG.

Edit: Please split the RSS feed and separate the languages! It already was annoying enough to get every message twice (in English and French), but with 3 languages it starts to get a mess now.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by eiii
How are the Cultures and Settlers games?
"Gog devs I'm very disappointed in you.

The territorial control measures you have implemented are disgusting. Why did you remove games for your German customers? You went for years without such stupid things like DRM and territorial control without issues and now you start to introduce them? What's next? Always on DRM?"

i agree with this.

We don't need territorial lock! And we don't want DRM!

GOG, sowas möchte ich nicht unterstützen!!

Besten Gruß
Post edited February 26, 2015 by VeganRene
Ciris: We've updated this post with information about the locked games.

Update text:

"Two games from our catalog had to be made unavailable in Germany: Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3. Offering or promoting these games is considered a serious criminal offence according to German law, and we have to abide by this law to avoid the risk of serious legal action taken against and employees. Rest assured that if you've already bought a game - nothing will retroactively disappear from your shelves."
Right in this moment GOG violates several german youth protection laws which makes your argument look like a joke!

Why are you offering games rated 18 without age verification then as example (rated 18 by the USK, indexed and unrated which is about 90% of your games in your catalog because unrated is automatically rated 18)?

If you want to enforce the german laws pls do it completely or DON'T do it at all!
I think you guys expectations of what GoG actually 'is' has clouded you. GoG is not in the business nor has any desire to combat other country governments and their laws. That is not their mission statement and never will be. They have neither the time, money or resources to tackle such a political issue. They are a digital game distributor. And it is not worth the risk (and the money) to bypass whatever country's standards and laws at the expense of all of it's customers.
Post edited February 26, 2015 by synfresh
"Gog devs I'm very disappointed in you.

The territorial control measures you have implemented are disgusting. Why did you remove games for your German customers? You went for years without such stupid things like DRM and territorial control without issues and now you start to introduce them? What's next? Always on DRM?"

i agree with this.

We don't need territorial lock! And we don't want DRM!

GOG, sowas möchte ich nicht unterstützen!!

Besten Gruß"

Just have to agree with this. Very disappointing move.
Muss dem zustimmen. Sehr enttäuschender Schritt.

synfresh: I think you guys expectations of what GoG actually 'is' has clouded you. GoG is not in the business nor has any desire to combat other country governments and their laws. That is not their mission statement and never will be. They have neither the time, money or resources to tackle such a political issue. They are a digital game distributor. And it is not worth the risk (and the money) to bypass whatever country's standards and laws at the expense of all of it's customers.
As said above me: They are still violating german laws right now. Simply putting in a geolock which did not exist yesterday is hard to deal with when the claim always was "we don't seperate our customers in terms of borders and countries"
Post edited February 26, 2015 by McSpain
I guess the more GOG grows the more it will become like Steam. First it was the same currency and version for all of us. Now we have reagional pricing and geolock for Germany. What will be next? DRM? I, by all means, am totally disappointed in you for bringing us germans the hated and feared region lock. I considered GOG always some sort of safe haven...seems I've been wrong -_-
IronArcturus: How are the Cultures and Settlers games?
At least the settlers games are good. They are true classics. I've played all of the older ones (up to Settlers 4), but I think Settlers 2 is still my favorite. If you like strategy games and economic simulation I can only recommend them. I don't know if there are any demos available of the settler games, but you can try out Widelands, it is very similar to Settlers 2.