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The Elder Scrolls. Quake & Doom. Fallout. Alright.

Welcome, Bethesda, to our pantheon of all-time classics!
Today, we're happy to start a blooming new partnership with Bethesda Softworks, one that brings an impressive lineup of their unforgettable games to our DRM-free platform, and plenty of guts and nuclear smiles to our faces.

We're teaming up to release some of the greatest hits from the Bethesda vault, some DRM-free for the first time ever. Eleven new arrivals include The Elder Scrolls and two digital-distribution premieres, totally retro id Software shooters, plus the long-awaited return of the Fallout franchise! To make the day even sweeter, The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall will be added to your game shelf entirely for free when you buy any Bethesda game.

<span class="bold">The Elder Scrolls</span>, perched high up among the most famous video-game worlds ever created, are now DRM-free and updated for your modern computer - you can purchase all three to receive a 33% discount.:
--The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition.
--The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard - digital distribution premiere.
--The Elder Scrolls: Battlespire - digital distribution premiere.
--The Elder Scrolls: Arena - FREE with any Bethesda purchase.
--The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - FREE with any Bethesda purchase, too.

Megahit <span class="bold">id Software</span> first-person shooters join the fray - also 33% off if you grab all three:
--Quake including Mission Pack 1 and Mission Pack 2
--The Ultimate DOOM
--DOOM II + Master Levels for Doom II + Final DOOM

And last we find that goodbyes are not forever (and that war never changes). <span class="bold">Fallout</span>, the premiere post nuclear role playing game franchise is finally back on! Save 66% if you complete your collection in one purchase.
--Fallout 2
--Fallout Tactics

The bundle promos end on Wednesday, September 2, 12:59 PM GMT.

Stream watch:
We'll be showing off many of these fresh and returning releases on our Twitch channel! Follow us (or track our dedicated streaming Twitter) to not miss 'em!
most excellent, unexpected news. Rock on GOG!
Where am i ? What happened ? Is it the end of the world ? Bethesda on Gog ? 0_0
This is pretty cool to see, but also pretty funny. It was only a few months ago in another thread here in the GOG forums where I presented the idea that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with regards to companies such as Bethesda coming to GOG in the future and was harshly criticized by some closed minded people that "knew better". I'm willing to bet though that if I go back and point it out to them in the given threads, that rather than admit they were wrong and/or apologize, they'll likely hold on more firmly to their closed mindedness and say something to the effect of "yeah, but these are OLD games, not Skyrim! Wake me up when they bring Skyrim here, you're insane if you think that'll ever happen!" or similar. :)

But I reiterate - absolutely NOTHING is impossible with regards to ANY game or developer or publisher becoming partnered with Every company out there simply wants to sell their products and it's entirely within the world of possibility that any of them could decide that having their products available on in the future will increase their profits in a manner and under conditions they find acceptable then they're likely to consider doing so at some point. Today it's Bethesda, maybe tomorrow it is Blizzard or Valve or some other "it'll never ever happen, you're an idiot if you think so"... :) Now I certainly think it's unlikely to see Blizzard or Valve show up tomorrow, but not to the point where I will brand it impossible. Nothing is impossible, only improbable - but the past and present have shown that sometimes even the improbable can happen.

I hold my case.
Falci: Er... shouldn't we who already own the three Fallout classics get the first two Elders Scrolls already?

Other than that, awesome to see Bethesda around. May their releases be eternal and plentiful!
i could have sworn i replied. i might have hit cancel in my grumpy delirium :P

edited: i did, indeed, reply. the forum is just lagging behind. probably lots of people hitting it when they saw OH MY GOD bethsrugsda!
Post edited August 26, 2015 by lostwolfe
Awesome, I write a post and the GOG forum code eats it. <sigh>
Whats the difference between the fallout games in my library and these "new" re-released ones? Why not make them the same?
Just out of curiosity, is the Elder Scrolls: Arena freebie the CD version or the floppy version? Bethesda seems to be bundling the floppy version everywhere (including the pricey Elder Scrolls Anthology), but the CD version has a number of cut-scenes (and more importantly FIXES) that the floppy version doesn't.
WHAT?! ... NAY!! .... HARHAR! :D

Eventually Bethesda has become clever (again(?)). That's what I'd call a win-win-win situation! :)
This is amazing news and welcome home Bethesda!

I am sure this is only the beggining and we will be able to see the rest of the games like Fallout 3 and Oblivion on board in the near future. I am very optimistic about the future of GOG now.

2 things is a little weird tho.

1. Morrowind is 20$ ? This is twice expensive than it is on Steam (For Turkey atleast) and it goes sale often. It should be 10$ just like Baldur's Gate.

2. I already bought all Fallout games both on GOG and Steam and now i have to buy them again? Why does it still say I need to buy them again. This is not fair. Owners of the previous versions should own these versions automatically.

But ofcourse these are my opinions. They may have done that because of agreements with Bethesda. Still congratulations and we are waiting for the newer versions.
A bit high prices but good that the games are here.
Pretty suprised.
Gonna pick up Doom and redguard/morrowind later when i got some money again.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Lodium
keeveek: Bethesda being Bethesda - pricing is ridiculous.
I agree, but I went ahead and got the Elder Scrolls bundle. At least it was on a little discount and included the first two Elder Scrolls for free. Arena being the CD version was a very nice bonus. I already own the Fallouts classics. I might be interested in Quake when it's discounted better. The original Dooms may be a bit to old for me to get back into.

I want to encourage Bethesda to release more games here.
Wow, just wow. I know there are many wows out there, but for this, I had to add mine too.
Great to see Bethesda finally here!

I know it's probably not likely that they'll appear, but I'm definitely going to be keeping my fingers crossed for Terminator: Future Shock and Skynet now :-D
Konradx: Whats the difference between the fallout games in my library and these "new" re-released ones? Why not make them the same?
Because the "old" ones (title with classic") have more goodies (soundtrack etc.) and are also for released for OS X.

The new ones not.

Guess this is Bethesda's "strategy"...
Hecke: Well, first I was like "What? Bethesda, the DRM-fetishist, are releasing games on gog?"
But then I saw the price for Morrowind...
22 Bucks for a 13 year old game...
Say thanks to Steam. Gamers got used to buy games ONLY if they're 75% off, so you can't have reasonable base prices anymore. I'd prefer a Dollar/Euro/Whatever 10 base price and occasional 50% off sales, but the majority of gamers would start to whine that the game "never gets a decent sale". So you have to keep the base price high, knowing that no one will buy your game at this price, and do 75% sales three or four times a year.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by real.geizterfahr