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rgnrk: It is very well explained by TB here: I will now talk about Bethesda's review policy for just over 21 minutes.

It doesn't matter if it affects any of you personally or not, it is an anticonsumer an shitty practice anyway. Obviously you should never preorder, but as much information about a game you can have, the better. So I just can't undertand some of the sycophant postsI read above, saying it's for the best. Well, it is for the best. For Bethesda. And nobody else.
Total biscuits an arse in this one.
rtcvb32: Only by getting burned a few times will pre-order culture come to a halt. There's been quite a few high profile games as of late, including NMS that's been very disappointing.

Just have to see.
As we already discussed before ;)

Being a paying alpha/beta tester will ONLY stop if people finally stop this stupid behaviour of pre-ordering and demanding what is there RIGHT: a WORKING game!
But so long people are to stupid to do so, this trend will only get worse!

Stupid, yes! Pre-ordering is not showing support but rather giving the devs a carde blanche for screw ups.

Being a backer of like kickstarter is different! They fail to collect the sum, it (mainly) shows the idea/goal con not be reached. Pre-ordering is giving money for a dream on some media-outlets which you can not even nail them on. (Yes GOG DID allow to get back out of pre-ordering, but others? I do not know)

And funny enough despite such things like:

This pre-ordering IMHO is nothing else as the above.

Does it sound familiar? (and for fun, read through the whole list ;) )

Again, there are games which did turn out well, but IMHO they are an exception and not the rule.

And those early access releases did help to stop some games to get released in an even worth state. When serious reviewers (so long they were not bound by some contracts) did report about serious flaws and made the devs correct those prior to release. With no early releases this will be further pushed upon those people stupid enough to fail for a media gag/hype/meme. The problem is only as proven throughout history if it is not stopped early enough it will get custom and only be able to be rolled back by law, which WILL take ages.
rgnrk: It is very well explained by TB here: I will now talk about Bethesda's review policy for just over 21 minutes.

It doesn't matter if it affects any of you personally or not, it is an anticonsumer an shitty practice anyway. Obviously you should never preorder, but as much information about a game you can have, the better. So I just can't undertand some of the sycophant postsI read above, saying it's for the best. Well, it is for the best. For Bethesda. And nobody else.
Spectre: Total biscuits an arse in this one.
You do realize that the article you reference to undercuts your own statement, do you? Besides, as TB mentioned in his video, he belongs to a select group of people who can afford to produce content on a game after launch because he has an audience that will still watch his videos, date regardless. In short, Bethesda axing early reviews doesn't really affect him.

While I do agree that, overall, game journalists haven't been doing their best to protect the consumer in recent years (to some degree), I fail to see how axing reviews before launch is going to be more advantageous to the consumer. 'cause it won't. It is disingenuous to believe Bethesda's statement encouraging people to wait for their favourite reviews when that is so clearly against their interests. Were they to remove any and all pre-order incentives from their games then maybe, maybe, I would believe that they're putting their money where their mouth is. And yet, I'm still seeing that pre-purchase offer on the Steam site, or that Premium Collector's Edition up on Amazon. In fact, I've always wondered why Collector's Editions aren't released after the game's proven worthy of making one instead of before. Guess I have my answer now.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by OdanUrr
I like it. In fact i like it so much i may just have to pre order something from Beth to signal my appreciation.

High time the traditional gaming press is taken round the back and put out of its misery. It's been utter shit for years with its bushwhack "articles" and click-bait "reviews" and now, not in small part due do its bushwhack "articles" and click-bait "reviews", has become utterly irrelevant in terms of overall levels of exposure.

Good riddance and here's hoping more companies follow suit.
Bigs: They also don’t reveal their hypocrisy: final code for Skyrim’s Special Edition is currently in the hands of ‘influencers’. Bethesda might argue that these do not count as “media review copies,” but they’re deliberately omitting the disparity from their policy in favour of the impression that they’re attempting to create a level playing field.
This is the part that reveals Bethesda's true intentions here... it's certainly not to make sure everyone gets to play their games at the same time, or they wouldn't be sending review copies to YouTube "influencers" so far in advance. It's to delay any negative reviews their games might get.

What makes no sense is, this is Bethesda we're talking about. There are lots of companies who make a habit of releasing shit games, and Bethesda is not one of them. Example: Earlier this year, Bethesda didn't send out review copies of Doom until one day before release. And for what? The game got excellent reviews.
aJillSandwich: What makes no sense is, this is Bethesda we're talking about. There are lots of companies who make a habit of releasing shit games, and Bethesda is not one of them. Example: Earlier this year, Bethesda didn't send out review copies of Doom until one day before release. And for what? The game got excellent reviews.
Two likely reasons:

* They have very poor internal quality control and are aware of this fact, so they're very reluctant to ship what is likely to be a very buggy product, as you say, to avoid negative reviews from professional reviewers and instead encourage coverage from positively biased "influencers".

* You never know how the gaming press are going to react to a given game. Even a lot of the supposedly legitimate journalists are quite given to bias and bandwagon thinking, so they're likely to cut certain products more slack than others. For instance, there's a bandwagon groundswell at the moment against reboots, meaning that many journalists will attack a game or a movie just for being a reboot, regardless of the quality (see Robocop reboot, which turned out to be quite good in its own right). Or when there's a popularity contest between two or three main franchises: Marvel. vs DC (online so-called "critics" have really ruined their reputation with that one), PS vs. Xbox and so on). It was good and possible that, despite the quality of the game, Doom would have been savaged for not being classic Doom.

Following on from point 2: As Jim Sterling recently disclosed, publishers have a knack of trying to "buy" positive reviews. Proper journalists usually won't buy into this, and indeed, the best journalists will often publicise the fact that publishers tried to buy them off. I know WBIE got a lot of stick for this, but as far as I can tell, a lot of the major publishers do this. YouTube influencers, on the other hand - having less journalistic integrity, being less commercially aware and desperate for views and exclusivity - will agree to anything.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by jamyskis