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JK41R4: Well, DOOM turned out fine.
It almost didn't. otherwise it would have been another DOOM3 scenario.

From what I recall DOOM was wracked with issues.
JK41R4: Well, DOOM turned out fine.
Except for the whole thing where you are sealed inside rooms when fights begin.
bela555: I dont have problem with this as long as they are not offering bonus content or discounts to people who pre-order their games.
If there is nothing to force you to not wait until the reviews I have no problem with it.

I have problem only if they try to force you (by offering extra content) to buy their games before the reviews out.
Pre-order exclusives and other such nonsense can't really be considered as a way to force people to make a choice, they're just incentives to make a (poor) choice.
poor move for bethesda. I hope people will treat it's releases with caution.
all these big companies dont give a shit about consumers rights...

oh and their statement expalinig this move - is pure shit, at least they could be honest with their intentions
Current and probably all future Bethesda games are tainted with Denuvo anyway, so I couldn't care less.
zajs: Current and probably all future Bethesda games are tainted with Denuvo anyway, so I couldn't care less.
Like nearly all Blizzard games nowadays is tainted with 'always online' in some form.
zajs: Current and probably all future Bethesda games are tainted with Denuvo anyway, so I couldn't care less.
rtcvb32: Like nearly all Blizzard games nowadays is tainted with 'always online' in some form.
Well, pretty much all Blizz games nowadays are multiplayer, so that isn't surprising.
LiquidOxygen80: Simply anecdotal evidence, but I don't bother with reviews sites
Does anybody? Surely the casual gamers don’t even read games websites, and the hardcore crowd who did are more fractured than ever. I might check one out now and then to get the general consensus on a game long after I’ve already bought it, but it’s really just a habitual action for something that used to be relevant in my life, the same way you might idly thumb through a computer magazine (and at least the front covers of those magazines get some eyeballs because customers have to pass them on the way to the bakery section).

LiquidOxygen80: I just hop on Youtube and eyeball the game myself. It's certainly a much easier process than listening to some longwinded tryharding pseudointellectual who'd rather be writing about "problematic" design decisions anyway.
That's about the size of it. Words are clumsy, and video is more tangible to people. Youtube is the first place I go and I've long suspected it was going to usurp games media somewhere down the line.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by markrichardb
How can less information for the consumer be considered a good thing?
I 100% approve of no early press reviews. Just release your fucking game and let people buy it regardless of affiliation. I do not approve of them lying about it and doing early press reviews anyway.
JK41R4: Well, DOOM turned out fine.
Crosmando: Except for the whole thing where you are sealed inside rooms when fights begin.
Huh, just realized that now. I've only seen videos. I noticed it, but I didn't have any other thought about it because it felt like an insignificant detail at the time. Yeah, the original didn't have that restriction, I think.

Well, not 100% fine, but it could have been way worse.
I thought Demos were supposed to let you get a taste of the game. Or Beta releases (I've seen even Alpha releases to the wide audience)
looks like bethesda did that to prevent bad reviews of skyrim se, so far there are many videos and reviews criticizing underwhelming graphics on xbone/ps4, bad performance and many, many bugs.
Just a natural development which doesn't really say anything about the quality of their games, more about what professional game reviews mean to large publishers and developers these days. Handing out early review copies is simply high risk, low gain.
I have to agree that not giving out early press review in this case feels more like an acknowledgement that the gaming "press" feels more and more irrelevant to both consumers and producers in the gaming market than anything else.

Frankly, considering all the shit those so-called journalists have pulled, the only thing I'd have to say if they disappeared in favour of Youtubers and such would be "good riddance".