Elmofongo: Just asking this question out of curiosity because well since GOG does not have the big ones like Warcraft/Starcraft, Dawn of War, Total War games, Command and Conquer, Age of Empire, etc.
So what does GOG have that is the best RTS games?
Best RTS on GOG ? thats kind of diificult to tell cause everyone has it's own favorites,
and like you said:
command & conquer classics , red alert classic , are not on GoG, nor are age of empires 1 and 2 , Dune 2000 is not on GoG, and these are the best RTS imho... .
They probably never ever arrive here DRM free now they belong to EA , they are 'milking the cow dry', so it be a cold day in hell, or when hell freezes over or pigs can fly before that will happen , i guess they'ed rather go bankrupt then
release these fabulous games DRM free.
Baldurs Gate is not RTS, KKnd 1+2 are RTS they are okay but not the best , and KKND are buggy as hell (pardon ma french), have graphic artifacts.
Fallout Classic also no RTS .... so it gets pretty hard for me to name the best RTS here at GOG.
Well i almost forgot the wonderfull commandos, the classic games only ofcourse (they are labeld as RTS on GOG ( i just searched for it) cause the games went down hill, and all the way down the drain aswell when they changed the engine from commandos in commandos 2 and 3 (horrible it is) , the latest one is awfull its FPP....