SpamDaddy: Blogstory, have you heard of this game? No Man's Sky...I cant wait, hope its as good as it sounds!
Favorite RPGs:
1.) Ultima Series except for 9 but including Ultima Underworld
Reason: The focus on morality and the consequences of your actions as The Avatar symbol of good for Brittania
2.) Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
Everything a true RPG should be from a development and gameplay standpoint to exploration and tactics
3.) Planescape Torment - Best RPG story EVER
4.) Chrono Trigger - Second best RPG story EVER
5.) Mass Effect Series
Amazing space adventure - although linear you still couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I felt like I had played 2 or 3 games after finishing just one ME game because of the subplots
6.) Wizardy - possibly responsible for half of all sales of grid paper in the late 80s and 90s LOL
7.) Dragon Quest/Warrior Series - Great stories and gameplay that redefined the genre - the predecessor to Final Fantasy
8.) Final Fantasy Series - everything about the series is great even the super cheesy character names
9.) Might and Magic 3 - 7
10.) Skyrim - Freshening up the usual clichés with the Dovakhin (spelling? too lazy to check) the visuals and sense of living world
Honorable Mentions: Zelda 1,2 and Zelda SNES, Ys Series (I will never forget firing up my brand new TurboGrafx-16 and sliding my Ys Book 1 cartridge in the slot and watching, stunned, at the visuals of the game then a great story followed), Lufia Series, Quest for Glory series, King's Quest, Crystalis (Action RPG like Zelda), Secret of Mana, Lunar Eternal Blue, Phantasy Star (Alis Landale - a female main character in 1987?! Yessir), Shadowrun SNES, Dragon Age, Breath of Fire Series, Bard's Tale, D&D Gold Box Games (google'm!), Phantasy Star 2 (first 16 bit RPG releaed in US - I bought Sega Master System just for this game!)!
That's all the RPG games that left a mark on me for fun factor!
Oh and blog, the latest games I have been hooked on Alien Isolation and Minecraft (I think I am slowing down too - I will be 43 tomorrow =D)
No, I have not heard of No Man's Sky, I don't play many games, so not surprising I have not heard of that game.
You list many popular games, I played many of the sierra games (quests, and leisure Larrys...) I may play them again for nostalgia.