Advice: buy the game, then go pirate the superior version. The one sold here and on Steam has been brutalized worse than a 4kids anime dub.
More recommendations:
Unforeseen Incidents is the best adventure game that's actually on GOG.
I wrote a post on why it's great here. Arcanum. Industrial revolution comes to a fantasy world. It's not a joke game (okay, there's one joke that sticks out like a sore thumb, but it doesn't impact the plot), and steampunk gear-fapping is limited to a couple branches of the skill tree (out of many).
Primordia. The
woke NPCs at RockPaperShotgun have heaped praise on Nier: Automata for its on-the-nose deepities, afraid to admit they like upskirt shots of a skimpily dressed teen girl. Primordia handles everything better (except the upskirt shots -- it doesn't have any, alas.)
King's Quest 6. You don't need to have played the previous ones, and they aren't really any good in 2018 anyway. You're a fairytale prince trying to rescue your princess girlfriend. For the most part it's gently humorous, some scenes tend toward the wackily surreal, but there's a plotline that's Epic with a capital E and that's why I'm recommending it.
Hatoful Boyfriend. It's a mindfuck neo-gothic horror visual novel that's marketed as a dating sim about a human girl chastely romancing pigeons. Yes, seriously. (It's not a one-handed game, if you get my drift, and the girl is never onscreen.)
The Count Lucanor. A fairytale game that reminds me of Loom in its elegant minimalism. The difference is it has twitch elements, and you can die.
Opus Magnum is a puzzle game where the plot is derived from the dialogues in mission briefings. Both the puzzles and the briefings are awesome but rather dissociated from each other. Unlike most other Zachtronics games, the puzzles allow a naive solution and you
can technically play it "for the plot", but it's best if you actually like puzzles.