nightcraw1er.488: Don't know what podcasts are. For music I use MusicBee, great simple little product.
Podcasts are radio shows through the internet. They are as varied as actual radio shows are.
For example, I listen both to the Parapod, which is two UK comedians, one very sceptical and another quite trusting, not to say gullible, discussing paranormal incidents and urban legends; and to Welcome to Nightvale, which is a comedy/horror podcast in the format of a small town radio news show with a lovecraftian bent.
I was reading up on players to go with and I heard MusicBee was one of the best, and that it even has a good selection of shows in its podcast directory, I just wasn't sure if it would have all the ones I listen to.
Where I read this it also said I could add podcast feeds myself. Does anyone know how to do this? I never had to before so I don't know, but this could help with transferring my podcast library.