clarry: No.
If there's no other driver that can provide for a graphics mode, then it's automatically going to be vesafb (in BIOS mode) or efifb (in UEFI mode). xforcevesa is something ubuntu specific and I don't have the sources or docs available to me to look up exactly what it does but it probably just configures X to use any available framebuffer device instead of drm.
Well remember that this is going to need to be portable, so it needs to run on any computer, which means it needs the most generic driver that it can get. It won't be able to upgrade the driver once it's complete.
Also, I don't mean for the following to sound like any kind of argument, but it's just my own speculation, and I don't know about the driver being the problem - maybe it is for some weird reason that I'm overlooking, but it's just that I don't see how, because:
- I already got Linux installed and working much quicker on a a USB drive (but without separating it into 3 partitions), so unless this time it somehow gave me a different driver, even though I used the exact same installer and I'm running it on the exact same computer, I don't see how that could be the case.
- I was using BIOS mode this time, which is different than the UEFI mode that I used before, BUT I tested the old USB installation that I previously mentioned, while still in BIOS mode, and it works fine (and I had never updated the driver on that one, nor even installed the WiFi to enable me to download a new driver).
- Why would a bad graphic driver cause things like the Software Manager to take 10 minutes to grind away at 50% of all 16 processors to accomplish absolutely nothing?
- Icons and things were loading slowly, but it doesn't have problems displaying them once they're loaded, so I'm not sure why that would be a problem.
I guess if all the graphical resources were being loaded extremely slowly into a video card then that could cause a huge delay, and if Software Manager is designed to wait until they're loaded before doing anything else then I guess that could have that effect, BUT it wouldn't cause my processors to all be in such heavy use because it would be the GPU which is overtaxed, right? Also, that wouldn't account for the quicker running of the other USB installation, regardless of whether it's running in BIOS or UEFI mode.
clarry: Save it to a file and attach it (or post it to some pastebin)..
I'm not sure how I could get it to you in a pastebin (I had to look up what that even means), but if you tell me the stuff you're looking for maybe I can grep it or something.
clarry: top (the load it shows is also somewhat useful information)
Thanks for the top tip ;). I just tested it, and I'll try it the next time that I'm running the USB drive (I guess that will be tomorrow).
clarry: Processes can migrate between cores especially if they get frequently blocked (then rescheduled) so instead of seeing 100% on a core, you can see a few percent on multiple cores. Of course they can also be just blocked by I/O and be unable to spend any more time on CPU. (And it's not power, it's time)
Yeah, I know that can happen, but I was just surprised about how many were being used and how heavily. And yes you're right that it's time, but I said power because I guess my brain's a bit crud right now from too much work on this all at once. I was just hoping to get it working today (and it sort of does, but slowly - I'm still hoping it may improve on its own if I can't fix it manually).