I know people like to bully me but what about
Also Fallout
sanscript: Fallout had excellent gameplay but its soundtracks are mostly ambient, same with Half-Life (HL2 changed that), and since
Unreal has that tracker music, no game can match those. That kind of atmosphere the ost creates are unmatched.
But then again, StarCraft had some epic tunes. Hmmm.
EDIT: Yeah, no, Blizzard was kinda lazy with OST on their games. Again, for pure creativity et cet, and another OST/game made by Alexander Brandon et al, I choose
Don't tell me you don't experience a breakdown when you hear "a kiss to build a dream on"
But i chose BG. Never played Unreal
burbigo5: I never played Starcraft, is it good ?
sanscript: Absolutely, it's one of the best RTS's out there, if not THE best, besides C&C. Since then RTS games have for the most part gone downhill.
It was even so popular that South Korea made it their national esport game and went absolutely bonkers, along with creating their own Starcraft-clone;
Atrox. There were
many clones, but only this one was relatively good, probably because they re-used/copied much of Starcrafts assets. :D
Age of empires 2? Stronghold? Company of Heroes? Dungeon Keeper? Warcraft 3? The settlers?